The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Saturday, January 01, 2005


Yeah, I've been grounded off the computer. I'm still on probation (blog and E-mail), so for all you Bob and Sheroes people, I probably won't be posting on either for a little while.
Anyway, nothing has really been happening to me lately. Other than the usual holiday stuff. On the 12th I'm getting my hair dyed for the first time (even though Ash doesn't want me to), so I'll probably post a picture of that soon. 13th I get to do an all night scrapbook thing at Kat's house, then the 15th is choir. Sometime this month I'm doing some campy thing with Kat, and then Baby's birthday. Which I don't remember the date. 28th, I think.
For Christmas, I got:
Dragonology (a really awesome picture book from my grandparents.),
Trickster's Queen (SQUEE! Finished it!),
Tinkerbell purse,
Tinkerbell pajama pants,
chocolate covered cherries,
wood carving of an angel that matches my room colors (g-parents),
scarf (from Ash),
Teddy bear (from my friend Kiki. She, Ash, and Jill (among others) all say that I look like a Teddy bear.),
candle (also from Ash),
Season 1 and 2 of Little House on the Prairie (because Pa is hot),
bath set (Ash's g-parents).
There might be some other stuff, but that's the main things. Kat hasn't given me her presents yet. I would tell you what I got Ash and Kat, but Tal got the same thing, and he actually reads this. So :p to Tal. Ha ha.
Whilst I lived at Ash's house, I went to her school. It was weird. I'd never been to school before, and this was a learn-at-your-own-pace school. It was all workbook stuff at a blocked off desk. I brought some books and stuff, besides my workbooks, which only take a little while. I finished a book of short stories by Poe. One of them was really creepy, but I liked em anyway. Just now I'm afraid to go up to my room in the middle of the night, especially with a candle. Thank goodness my room isn't black with red windows, or I'd have died by now.
I wrote a bunch of stuff to put on here, but I can't find the darn notebook now.
I've decided that saying crap is unoriginal, so I'm thinking of some other exclamation to expostulate.
Ha. No idea what, though.
How come everytime I tell someone my chosen proffesion is Reformer of the Entertainment Industry they laugh, and say "good luck?" That's happened to me 5 times already. Geez. You'd think people have more faith in my abilities. Just because I can't really do anything NOW doesn't mean I never will be able to. Besides that, I think I'd be a good director, at least. And actress.
By the way, people keep telling me it's politically incorrect to say actress. How lame is that? You don't call at woman who's husband died a widower, do you? Or a waiter a waitress. That would probably make the person upset. I don't get it. Lameo. Cheeseball behavior.


Blogger Thicket Dweller said...

You forgot to mention that the reason you're grounded from the computer is a very good reason. We love you, remember?

You also got LU cookies from Christmas. Pims. PLUS the Whole Family gifts. You forgot to mention those. And they were totally cool.

Thanks again for cleaning my room. You're so wonderful.

Good Grief is a good exclamation. Ugh is pretty good, too. I knew a guy in high school that decided to stop swearing, so he said icecreamcake when he got upset.

5:09 PM

Blogger Thicket Dweller said...

Well, I thought they would assume it was a good reason. I didn't gripe about it, it was only an announcment.
The whole family gifts were playmobile toys (awesome) and a wooden treehouse thing. It's taller than Sweetheart. I think it's taller than Monet.
I know that I'm wonderful. Totally.
Good grief sounds like Charlie Brown. I think I don't know what I'm going to say.
How's about bananna? I read in a book where someone said life, burn it, And snap. I like snap.

6:04 PM

Blogger Thicket Dweller said...

How about "Spit!" I had a cheese caller that said, "Oh, spit." It was funny. She was old as the hills.

(this really is thicket dweller. unlike Bard who thinks she's thicket dweller. but she's not.)

9:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU HAVE TQ!? *steals*

I have to be the only one other than Siv who doesn't have TQ.


4:57 PM

Blogger Bard said...

Um, I could post the entire text on my blog.
Then again, no.

4:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't even have TC yet. Gah.


7:39 PM

Blogger Bard said...

Well get it then, silly!

8:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't get it in hardcover. Darn it, we don't have paperback here yet. *grinds teeth*


12:35 AM

Blogger Bard said...

Ha. I've got both in hardcover, one signed.. < /gloat>

7:18 PM


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