The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Friday, January 06, 2006


It's good to be back. There's so much that I've done since my last regular post, so I'm not going to describe. I'll just list what I've done.
Took the written test for driving and got 100%,
was in two plays,
a billion concerts,
went paintballing,
choir retreat,
saw Chronicles of Narnia and loved it,
went to great-grandmother's funeral,
joined homeschool group,
made new friends,
am taking Algebra, Biology and Philosophy through the group,
am learning how to play guitar and piano,
got a 94% on my Algebra test,
don't even remember what else.
So. Now that you've been through my life (pretty much) in the last 6 months, I can FINALLY stop telling stuff that I've done in the past.
Tonight I'm going to the cast party for my play. It was called The Man Who Had It Made, and I was the Wife. Margie. It was a pretty big part, and I didn't mess up too badly. So I'm all excited about that and actually should be getting ready at the moment since Mom said that I needed to be ready by 5:30. And it's 4:42. But I did already take a shower and dry my hair, and that was good, since I rarely dry my hair anyway.
Although this makes me sound fickle, you have to remember that I haven't written a regular post in a while, so it was gradual. I'm not totally in love with TU anymore. And I don't think I'm going to write about the guy that I do like because it makes me sound like an airhead, and probably no one cares about that very much anyway.
Besides, he might read it.
I got a bunch of really cool books for Christmas. Three by Terry Pratchett, who is awsome. A ton by James Thurber, who is almost better. Partially because he was from Ohio. And Ash has my cool fairy book because I left at her house over New Year's Eve. But she said that it's helpful, so I'm not too upset.
I really don't have anything to say. I just wanted to write, I guess.
In conclusion, Captain Jack is Back!
July 7th.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Captain Jack!!! (don't you think you should explain why the book is helpful so people don't think i'm some wierd psycho out there looking for fairies?)

3:55 PM

Blogger Bard said...

Um, no. I did that on purpose. I want people to think that you're insane.

9:44 PM

Blogger Bard said...

Oh, and don't bother commenting on my China post. I mean, it's not like it took my forever, or anything.

9:45 PM


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