The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Yesterday was great fun. We went to a contra dance (for my city slicker readers, a contra dance is kind of like a square dance or a line dance), and Kat came. I think when I first told her where we were going she didn't think it was going to be very much fun. But then, after the first dance, she was having a great time. The only bad thing about these dances is that usually a bunch of girls come, and not very many guys do. And since Edison doesn't really like to dance with me, I usually end up with no partner. Or I end up being a guy. Not actually becoming a guy. I mean that I end up doing the guy part of the dance, which you'd think wouldn't be so confusing, but I still can't get my arms around my partner the way I'm supposed to. I automatically reach for the girl's shoulder, but she's reaching for mine, and it's just confusing. But that was the only problem. Well, I still don't know how to do a hay for four, but whatever. I have doubts about anyone knowing how to do a hay for four. Especially since sometimes the caller would say "hey hey hey!" or "hay for hay" or "you know what to do!" instead of just calling it, which was slightly confusing.
I think I've decided that the main reason why I would want a boyfriend is so I would always have a partner. A partner who I know. Because it's a lot more fun to have your actual partner be someone who you've at least hung out with before than to have a guy you don't know ask you to dance. That's probably just me, though.
The cast party on Friday was great fun. It's so funny, because I used to dread homeschool group stuff because I didn't think anyone would remember me/want to talk to me, but I don't really have a problem with that anymore. It's kind of ironic; I went to a church thing with one of my friends (it was with her youth group) and no one except for the people she introduced me to even looked my way, but at the first meeting of the homeschool group, a couple of girls who I didn't even know asked me if I wanted to play capture the flag with them. Which of those two sound more like "social misfits?"
Anyway, it was really fun to see the play that I was in. Except for noticing everthing that I should have done better. I guess I'll know for next year, though. I think I was loud enough, but I didn't look directly at the audience enough. It's really hard to tell, though! I wish they would have filmed us in practice so we could have seen what we were doing wrong before the performance.
We played Round Robin Ping Pong, which I am so horribly awful at, but so were a few of my friends (including on boy who seemed intent on taking people's heads off with his ping pong ball). A few of us played Xtreme Spoons, which is just like Spoons, except you put the spoons on the other end of the room and you have to race to get to them. Lyn (one of my new-found friends) and I volunteered to go into another room so they could set up a game for us, which turned out to be a kid's head under a towel.
I mean, there were towels over things, and we were supposed to say the name of it really quickly, and under one of the towels was a kid's head, sticking up through the crack in the table. And he yelled. Mom said I screamed, but I'm not really the screaming kind of person. I laughed, but my laugh is kind of weird, so that might have been what she heard.
We also went to church this morning with Kay, who's from the homeschool group. It was fun, and I didn't feel all out of place. Well, I did, but church does that to me, for some reason. I feel conspicuous when I go to church. I like it, but I feel weird sometimes. I guess I'm a heathen.


Blogger Thicket Dweller said...

I feel conspicuous in church, too, if that makes you feel any less heathen-like. I always have, even when I had a home church. ::shrugs:: Dunno.

3:05 PM

Blogger Bard said...

I feel conspicuous just about anywhere, though. So I think it's just natural paranoia. Everyone in the galaxy has that.

6:23 PM


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