The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Friday, March 04, 2005

CDs, apostrophes, and... Um. Fake IDs? Mickey D's?

Today I went to the library. I only got the books that I had on hold though. I currently have 20 books out. I just finished one though, and two are Mom's. Plus, some of the books on the Magna Carta don't look so very helpful, and I'm probably going to take them back. Du and Blue came up for game night tonight. I didn't play anything. I was too busy doing other stuff (like finishing The Merlin conspiracy by Diana Wynne Jones. Good book.). I also listened to a couple of my CDs. I read part of Eats, Shoots and Leaves. Pretty funny. I can sympathize, even though I misuse commas and stuff like that, too. Still, come on. How hard is it to remember the difference between Moms and Mom's? I think it's pretty easy.
The results from misuse are pretty funny, though.
Let's say, hypothetically, your friend told a guy that you liked him. Let's also say that the guy is ignoring you. You are pretty sure your friend told him some stuff that you didn't ever say. You feel really uncomfortable with the situation, considering you don't want said guy to think you are a mental case, and the current situation is pretty awkward, even if you do only see the guy maybe once a month at most. Would you write the guy a letter and have the friend give it to him? Not a love letter. Just an explanatory letter. Would you write a letter, but never give it to him? Would you actually talk to him? Would you confront the friend about betraying your trust, even if you're pretty sure she meant well, anyway? Or would you just pretend nothing happened and never have funny conversations with the guy again?
Hypothetical question, of course. Not like anything even remotely like that has happened to me. And the guy is NOT G, of course. Don't be silly.


Blogger Bard said...

Maybe the hypothetical person is too wimpy to talk to either person because the hypothetical person is a total chicken. Or maybe the hypothetical person should probably do what you said...
I haven't read Tough Guide to Fantasyland, even though I've heard of it, because it's really expensive in America. It's out of print, or something.

5:58 PM


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