The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Crazy, crazy Bard, always doin' stuff

Today I made my list, and I'm going to do it all. I think.
Read and laugh

Today I worked on Kat's Christmas presant. It's almost done, and I'm not seeing her until the 13th anyway. I hope she likes it.
I've also got a zit on the inside of my nose that hurts like crazy. It looks funny, too. Today we gave Baby Monet's LotR toy sword, and told her to say "Death and Doom" while swinging it around. She did, then said "Prairie? Sissy, Prairie?" That means she wants to watch Little House on the Prairie.
Edison and I made the coolest thing ever. We took this square pillow thing with a face, strapped it to Edison's head, covered him with a blanket, leaving the pillow showing, and gave him an electric candle to hold below it. We made it look really creepy, then turned off the lights. Monet, Sweetheart and I held a sheet over it, then told Mom to come up. Right before that, Edison said that it needed a name, so I scambled to think of something as Mom walked in. I ended up with Umar (middle name of someone in Dragon in the Waters, by Madeline L'Engle). I introduced Monet as Umar's servant (he had a peice of cloth draped over his head) and the Princess (who Sweetheart insisted on dressing up as), and we dropped the sheet. Edison (from under the blanket) asked her to ask yes or no questions even though he wasn't supposed to talk, I was supposed to tell her. She asked him some stuff, then asked him if he was ready for dinner. He nodded, then threw everything off of himself, and jumped forward yelling. Mom wasn't scared, and I wasn't either because I figured he'd do that, but Sweetheart jumped about 20 feet off the bed. Monet wasn't paying any attention. It was pretty fun.
I guess I'm off to do some cross stitching now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cross-stitch is fun.

9:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gah! The above post was made by Silverstar, who always forgets to sign her anonymous posts.

2:22 AM

Blogger Bard said...

Cross stitch is fun. I like it, especially while listening to one of the Cat Who books. Next book on tape is a full cast audio, Sandry's book. Bruce Coville, Tammy, and Tim are all on it. Besides that the first time I met Tammy she was talking about recording one of these things, and how she kept making rude hand gestures at Bruce Coville who was directing.

7:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want some of those cds. I also want the 'Tammy has a potty mouth' cd that Bruce Coville is supposedly compiling.


12:33 AM

Blogger Bard said...

I keep hearing about that. What is it?

7:16 PM


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