The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Manicotti Stuffing vs. Baby Stuffing

While stuffing manicotti with ricotta, I thought about how much it's like feeding a baby.
a) It's messy.
b) It takes forever.
c) It involves spinach.
d) You begin to feel a strange animosity for the rest of the world.
e) You mutter things like "Come on," "Hurry up," and "It's not that bad," under your breath.
f) You make funny faces even though you know it doesn't help anything.
g) You can only put a tiny bit on the fork or it'll all come back out.
h) You get more on yourself and the outside of it than on the inside of it.
i) You have a vague worry that neither you or it are going to look very nice afterwards.
j) You find food in weird places afterwards.
k) If you aren't good at it, the stuffing/food will come out the other end before you're done.
l) You really want to wash your hands after every bite, but know it won't do much good.
m) Everyone is glad they don't have your job.
n) You wonder why there isn't a better way of doing this.

There are, of course, some very big differences.

a) After you finish feeding a baby, you don't stick in in a pan filled with pasta sauce next to a whole bunch of other full babies.
b) When pick a baby up, you don't have to worry about splitting in in half. Not generally, anyway.
c) You don't think about how this is all going to be worth it in a few hours because it's going to taste good.
d) You can't (unless you're really strong or really angry) stick your fork through the baby's head.
e) There is a lot of pasta sauce and cheese involved.
f) You don't usually have to hold the baby way up in the air.
g) Mancotti doesn't care if what's going in it tastes good.
h) People don't ask you when the baby is done eating because they're hungry.

I guess that's all.


Blogger Thicket Dweller said...

This is HILARIOUS. Thanks for making me laugh first thing in the morning.

Oh, and it's RicottA not ricottI.

The Mom

5:33 AM

Blogger Thicket Dweller said...

Oh, yeah. And it's Manicotti.

The Mom, who sees other spelling errors, but will quit criticizing now.

5:34 AM

Blogger Bard said...

I don't know what you mean. Everything is spelled right. You must have been dreaming. :-P

7:07 AM

Blogger Thicket Dweller said... about "when you stick in in a pan?"

And "When pick a baby up?"

And so you fixed the other stuff. So what. Ppbbth!

7:43 AM

Blogger MamaGeph said...

If you get a cookie press gun that also has cake decorating tips, you can fill it with the ricotta spinach filling and then just shoot it right in the noodle. No muss, no fuss.

If you shoot a baby in the noodle with ricotta spinach filling, you might be arrested.

1:27 PM

Blogger Julie said...

Stuffed Manicotti is my husband's favorite so I set out to find a good way to stuff far, the best has been putting the filling in a ziploc bag, then cutting off a corner and squeezing it in that way. It gets clogged sometimes, but so far, it's the least frustrating method I've found! ;)

2:35 PM

Blogger Field Trip Lady said...

Bard, your dear mum has a link to your Hi-larious post on her blog, but I thought you might like to know that it's not working because she spelled manicotti "mancotti"
So now you may feel free to throw it in her face as you wish.
the error, not the mancotti- uh, manikotti- I mean, manniquotti- no - MANICOTTI- that's better

11:07 PM

Blogger Field Trip Lady said...

I'm sorry, Bard. I should not be advising you to throw anything in your mom's face. You might just keep it to yourself, feeling a bit vindicated, maybe.

11:33 AM

Blogger Bard said...

That would work, except that it was spelled like that in the original post. *blushes*

12:10 PM


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