The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Veeery revealing...

So, Tal was posting what was in his pockets a while ago, and I also heard somwhere you can tell a lot about a person by what they have in their purse of wallet. So here is a list of the junk in my purse and what it could mean.
Booklover's Companion = I like to read.
The Complex Infrastructure Known as the Female Mind, Reliant K = I like Reliant K, and I go to the library.
Notebook = I write a lot.
Code breaker thing = I'm kind of weird because I think I need one of these to communicate.
Empty wallet = I don't have much money, but I like having a wallet.
Lotion = I have dry hands.
Sewing Kit = I can sew, and I might rip my clothes because I'm clumsy.
Make-up = I have comformed to societies rules of conduct.
Address book = I have a funny memory.
Chapstick = My lips hurt real bad!
Mirror = I'm always afraid I look funny.
Deodorant = Um, I smell bad?
Emergen-C = I have a cold, and need vitamins.
Pencil = I write stuff down.
Chopsticks = I know how to use them.
Button that says "Shine!" = I made a button.
Altoids = I don't like stinky breath.
Star Wars Galactic Phrase Book and Travel Guide = I'm afraid of being abducted by aliens + I LOVE Star Wars.

You can actually tell a lot about me from my purse. Coolio.


Blogger Polka Dotted Pickles said...

Hi! Great blog! I love it! My Mom reads your Mom's blog. Anyway...

So, what happens if I don't carry a purse around? Does that mean I'm non-existant??!! :<)

12:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliment!

No, if you don't carry a purse it means you're one of those dark, mysterious, and inscrutiable types. Either that or you're carefree. Take your pick.

By the way, I read your profile and FM Static is brillig. They're one of my favorite bands. So that's cool.

1:12 PM

Blogger Thicket Dweller said...

"Societies rules of conduct?" Which societies?

I have a good book you should read. It's called "Eats, shoots and leaves..."

9:10 PM


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