The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Monday, January 16, 2006

One of those days.

Saturday was pretty okay. Sunday was pretty not.
Actually that isn't true. Most of Saturday was okay. Sunday morning was ducky. It was about, oh, 1:30 when Sunday began to stink.
So, on Friday, Dad took me to a friend's house. I hung out with her, and spent the night. This friend used to be homeschooled, and is now going to a small private school. And it's like she's changed completely. She always was kind of gossipy, but now it's like she can't go an entire sentence without saying something nasty about some girl she goes to school with. At first it was fine; we watched Lord of the Rings together, I went to go see her cheer at a basketball game (she's a cheerleader) and we hung out. Saturday morning we went to a band practice (which was pretty boring, because I am not in the band, and so I just sat around for a while. Although not I can play guitar, I could figure out what chords the guys were playing, and that was pretty fun.) Then she came to my house and we went to a square dance with her friend from school. They talked to each other a lot, but they generally kept me in the conversation.
The dance was great fun. I'm not very accurate in my dancing (anyone can be accurate) but I dance with great feeling. There were hardly any guys (there never are at square dances, it seems) so I danced with Monet and Edison. My friend and her friend danced with each other a lot.
On the way home is when it started not being fun. My friend kept telling me that my face was really red. My face always gets red (deep pink would probably be more accurate) when I run around a lot or dance, and my face always gets hot. It's happened ever since I was little. Which I told her. But she just kept telling me how red my face was. I was getting irritated because I don't like to think about how I look all the time. Then the whole way home she was texting people with her cell phone, which is supposed to only be for emergencies, it's only a TrakFone. She was texting one girl about the girl who was with her. The girl she was texting didn't know that O. (her friend) was with her. So they started talking about how annoying H. was (the girl they were texting). This really bothered me,
a) because when she had been with H. she had talked about how annoying O. was, and
b) they didn't talk to me at all. Oh, yeah, except to say that they were going to "hook me up" with some guy they knew for the next square dance. Which I declined, because I have a feeling neither of them liked the guy they were talking about.
When we got back home, Mom said that we were going to church with my friend from the homeschool group. We went there last week, and I think we're going to go there eavery week, which is great because I liked it, and I miss going to church. My friend was with us last week when we went, and she hadn't liked it. She groaned quietly when my Mom said that we were going this week.
In bed, neither of them would go to sleep, and they kept me up. When they put on a CD my friend told me that I was way off in my singing. I don't like to sing in front of people I know anway, so this was really embarrassing. Almost every thing I said my friend and O. would tease me about. Then my friend said that if I went to her school, she would be on a higher "pace" (which is some kind of gradey-thing. I don't know how to explain it) than me, and she had better grammar than I did. She was saying stuff like that all night.
The next morning O. faked being sick so that she and my friend didn't have to go to church with me. I didn't really care, because at that point I was sick of them. Before I left, my friend had just enough time to tell me that if she had to live with me for a year, she would die.
I had a great time at church, though. Emma and Edison and I talked after church, and we had fun. When I got back it was time to go take O. and my friend home.
For the first part of the ride, O. and my friend gossiped about people from school. I stared out the window. I was sitting right next to them on the bench seat, but they ignored me. Then they took out O.'s Ipod and listened to music. I tried to comment that I liked that band, too, but they didn't pay any attention. Then my friend stopped listening to the music and I thought that maybe she would talk to me, but no. She took out her cell and played games. And then when she asked me what was wrong, I said nothing. I told her that I wasn't talking to her because she was playing with her cell phone.
"Oh. Yeah. I only took it out because I was bored."
Yeah. I'm sure you had a lot of time to be bored in between the Ipod and your cell phone. It was a total of two seconds.
Then, thankfully, Mom took us into Borders, and Dad drove the girls home. I read Get Fuzzy comics, and tried not to be angry and hurt. But I WAS angry and hurt. I felt about one inch tall, and there was nothing I could do about it.
I got home, and told Mom and Dad about what happened. They had noticed that I was really upset, of course, but they hadn't heard what my friend had been saying, or seen what she was doing. They told me that I didn't have to be friends with the girl if I didn't want to. She lives an hour away, and we could just say that it's too far to go.
I don't know if I want to continue this relationship. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just this once, but my friend does stuff like this (although not so much at one time) all the time. I know she puts me down because she has low self-esteem, but that doesn't make me feel any better. And I'm not exactly self-assured, either. I don't know if she knows what she's doing, but I can't see how she doesn't know. How can she not know that it's rude to tell people that you would die if you had to live with them?
At about 7:00 on Sunday night, my friend called. I think she got in trouble with her parents about O. Apparently O. was embarrassing her, and my friend got in trouble for not going to church with me. It seems that O. usually fakes being sick when she doesn't want to do something, and my friend should have known better than to tell me that O. was sick. She apologized for O's behavior. But she said nothing about her own. I forgave her for bringing O, and I guess I forgive her for everything that she did, but I don't know what to do about the whole affair.
As if that weren't bad enough, the guy that I like was supposed to come over to my house with his family for a get together thing with a few other people from the homeschool group, but the woman in charge switched families on us. So that stunk.
The only good thing that can make up for that at all is that Mom talked to Emma's mom, who was the one that the guy's family was going to, and since they were the only family going to Emma's house, they're all (Emma and the guy I like) coming to our house. Which is nice.
I think that maybe I should stick with my good friends, the friends that don't say hurtful things to me. I don't mind good natured teasing, but when someone tells me that they're smarter than I am, or act like they're better, that's not teasing. That's mean. And I don't have any other friends who do that. And I don't think that I want any friends who do that.
I'm in a thoughtful mood now. I need to think this relationship over.


Blogger Bard said...

Thanks for the hugs. It's so hard, because I feel selfish just dropping her because she's mean sometimes, but then, what are friends for? Not to make other people feel like crap, I think.

11:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love you teddy.

7:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, definitely not.


9:24 PM

Blogger Bard said...

Love you, too, Leezard.

1:14 PM


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