The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Stolen from Emmo

Bold ONE from each list that most describes your personality.


1. Adventurous, Adaptable, Analytical or Animated (although Animated would probably work too.
2. Persistent, Persuasive, Playful, or Peaceful
3. Submissive, Self-sacrificing, Strong-Willed, or Social (none of the above, really.)
4. Considerate, Controlled, Competitive, or Convincing
5. Reserved, Respectful, Refreshing, or Resourceful
6. Satisfied, Sensitive, Self-Reliant, or Spirited
7. Positive, Planning, Patient, or Promoting
8. Sure, Shy, Scheduled, or Spontaneous
9. Orderly, Obliging, Optimistic, or Outspoken
10. Friendly, Faithful, Funny, or Forceful
11. Daring, Detailed, Diplomatic, or Delightful (Um, maybe?)
12. Cheerful, Consistent, Cultured, or Confident
13. Idealistic, Independent, Inoffensive, or Inspiring (Does that mean I imagine a perfect world, or that I'm ideal? Because I mean the former.)
14. Demonstrative, Decisive, Dry-Humored, or Deep (Not really any.)
15. Mediator, Musical, Moving, or Easily Mixing
16. Thoughtful, Tenacious, Talkative, or Tolerant
17. Listening, Lively, Leading, or Loyal
18. Contented, Chieflike, Chartmaking, or Cute (Oh so very cute.)
19. Perfectionistic, Pleasant, Productive, or Popular (I think I'm pleasant, but I'm really not any of the others.)
20. Bold, Bouncy, Behaved, or Balanced


21. Blank, Bossy, Brassy, or Bashful
22. Unforgiving, Unsympathetic, Unenthusiastic, or Undisciplined (I don't think I'm any of these.)
23. Reticent, Resentful, Resistant, or Repetitious
24. Fussy, Fearful, Forgetful, or Frank (so totally both.)
25. Insecure, Impatient, Indecisive, or Interrupting
26. Unpopular, Uninvolved, Unpredictable, or Unaffectionate
27. Headstrong, Haphazard, Hard to Please, or Hesitant
28. Plain, Pessimistic, Proud, or Permissive
29. Angered easily, Aimless, Argumentative, or Alienated
30. Naïve, Negative, Nervy, or Nonchalant
31. Worrying, Withdrawn, Work-obsessed, or Wanting Credit
32. Too Sensitive, Tactless, Timid, or Talkative
33. Doubtful, Disorganized, Domineering, or Depressed
34. Inconsistent, Introverted, Intolerant, or Indifferent
35. Messy, Moody, Mumbling, or Manipulative
36. Slow, Show Off, Stubborn, or Skeptical (I'm not outwardly either of these, I'll pretend that I agree just to end it, but it's really hard to actually change my mind once I've made it up.
37. Loner, Lord over, Lazy, or Loud
38. Sluggish, Suspicious, Short-Tempered, or Scatterbrained
39. Reluctant, Restless, Revengeful, or Rash
40. Compromising, Critical, Crafty, or Changeable (mostly of myself)

What color is most reflective of you? Purple. Dark purple.
How did you get the idea for your diary name? Uh, I blog, and I'm barmy.

What time were you born? 2 something.

Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry? Not really.

What color underwear are you wearing? Stripeity.

Do you want a baby? Not at the moment.

What does your dad do for a living? Manages well drilling.

What does your mom do for a living? Takes care of us kids.

What is your pet's name(s)? Hobbit, Potter, Gred, Forge, Isis, Pippin. (Okay, Pippin is Sweethearts, but who cares?)

What color are your bedsheets? Purple.

What was the last movie you saw? Babes in Toyland. *gags*

Who do you dislike most at this moment? Hillary Duff.

What food are you craving right now? None.

Did you dream last night? I don't remember. I think so.

What was the last tv show you watched? Gilmore Girls? Unless ones on DVD count. If so, LHotP.

What is your favorite piece of jewelry? Unsure.

What is to the left of you? A wall.

What was the last thing you ate? Pasta and garlic bread.

Who last IMed you? Emmo, I think. It was a while ago.

Do you have a crush? Several.

What is his/her name? Like I'd tell YOU. Idiots.

When was the last time you cut your hair? Like a week.

Are you on any meds? Not that I know of. (Mr. Bean moment.)

Do you have a mental disease? Oh yeah. Paranoia, Pantaphobia, Multiple personality disorder, ADD, OCD, and I'm probably forgetting something.
In actuality, no.

What shirt are you wearing? Camp t-shirt.

What time is it? 11:11 PM. Awesome.

What color is your razor? Purple. I'm so COOLIO.

What is your fave frozen treat? Ice cream cake.

Whats your favorite shopping store? Target, I think. Borders. Ha.

Are you thirsty? Not really. I chugged a bunch of water at dinner.

Can you imagine yourself ever getting married? Not really. Vaguely. But probably no.


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