The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Why do I continue to be surprised?

I mean, it's not like it's ever happened before. Something I was looking forward to got screwed up through no fault of my own. I shouldn't have gotten so excited.
Today we went to the senior center. I was completely prepared to read poetry to some of the residents, and had been working on choosing poems that I thought they'd like for two weeks, and even reading most of them out loud to myself to prepare. I was really hyped about it, because I've been wanting to get the nerve up to do something for the community, and bothered that I hadn't really done anything useful yet. The woman I spoke with seemed really excited about it, and said that the residents would love it.
Apparently they didn't love it as much as she thought. No one showed up. I ended up going to watch Edison do magic tricks, and pretending that I didn't want to go off and cry somewhere.
It wouldn't have been so bad if I had not wanted to do it, and was only doing it because Mom asked me. I actually wanted to help someone. I'm not really good at anything (I don't have any skills, as Napoleon Dynamite would say) and I'm not wonderful at reading aloud, but at least I like it. You have no idea how hard it is for me to get excited about being all alone, helping seniors. I usually avoid strangers like the plague.
It also wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for Edison. He was just getting his stuff together this morning, and learning new tricks. He ended up doing a lot of repeats, and messed up on one. Guess what.
A) Everyone just laughed when he messed up, and it was no biggie. For me, everyone would just stare, and I would feel like a failure,
B) He had a whole room full of people,
C) Almost none of them were the same from the last time, so they didn't care that he'd done the tricks there.
You know what? He's got another gig in two weeks, and I can tell you for sure, he's not upstairs practicing, and he probably won't. Until the morning of the 17th, when he's going there again. But everyone will still love him, and not care that he did the same tricks, and had to set everything up right before he did it. I'll tell you something else. I'll get ready for reading again, and no one will show up. They'll all be watching Edison. That's the way it always works.
Come on, who would rather listen to some stupid, stuttering 14 (by then 15) year old read boring old Browning and Kipling when they could watch an entertaining, suave 13 year old do magic tricks?
Other than me, that is.


Blogger Thicket Dweller said...

I'm so sorry. :-(

10:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Thicky... *hugs* I would have gone to watch you.

1:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the above person who did not sign was Silvie. *hugs you again*

1:22 AM

Blogger Thicket Dweller said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:21 AM

Blogger Bard said...

*hugs Sil* Thanks.
Scott: I guess I just wanted to sharpen my skills while making people happy, too.
Mom: It isn't your fault. It isn't anyone's fault.

11:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for you Bard. I wouldn't even be able to do it. *also hugs Bard*

1:48 PM

Blogger Bard said...

*hugs Tal too*
I guess I could figure out something else to do. Maybe. Perhaps.

2:40 PM

Blogger MamaGeph said...

Well, I would have gone to hear the poetry. And I am just the sort of lame-o introvert that would prefer that no one else showed up, so I'd get the reading all to myself. It sounds like they really missed out.

Would it be possible to go on a different day than Edison? That place would really be hoppin' - two different events, and the freedom to go to both!

3:21 PM

Blogger Bard said...

MamaGeph: I thought of that, and I might try it out. If I get up the nerve to go again, that is.
Em and Sil: You guys are the best. And it's very reasuring to hear that I haven't sunken to the depths of Napoleon. Yet, anyway. Skills, my precioussss

8:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww. *hugs* Those people are gits. Don't worry about it.

This is wenna, by the way. I have a blog here, but it's for school and my account has my name in it. And I can't make another one because the stupid thing keeps coming up in chinese.

Sorry about the sort of rant.

*hugs again* ^^

11:15 PM

Blogger Bard said...

WENNIE! *hugs* I'm happy now. Lots of hugs can do that to you.
That stinks about your account. I don't speak Chinese. Or read it, really.

6:25 AM

Blogger Bard said...

No thanks on the sloppy kisses. I've had more in my life than I can handle.

7:08 PM


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