The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Friday, February 04, 2005


I break from poor-me posts. Today was okay, if a little frustrating at times. I had a buttload of chores to do, and I ended up doing just about all the get-ready-for-guests chores. I'm totally not kidding. I wish I were. Edison, Mom and Dad were gone most of the day, while Sweetheart, Monet and Baby didn't do anything. Not only that, but they made more messes. But I managed to snag a few minutes to chill out (even though I got in trouble for going off to my room when there was stuff to be done. I was going to explode if I didn't get a minute to myself, so it was worth it) then Nita and her parents plus Du and Blue and Two (I don't remember what I called her before, now she's Two because it rhymes). They played a game whilst Nita, Edison and I attempted to watch LHotP (Little House). After a while the other kids made WAY too much noise (not nose or noiser, like I tried to type) so we migrated to my room, where Nita watched me play Jetpack on my good old Windows for Workgroups 3.0. That thing is SO OLD. I'm the only one in my family who knows how to use it. I'm going to have to make a floppy of all my stuff from the downstairs puter so I can use it upstairs. No dolls or stories up there yet. Annoying.
I also ate more cake and ice cream than was good for me, and now I feel twice my usual size (and that's saying something). My fingernail is actually finally showing signs of growing back. I'm amazed.
Guess who's turning 15 in 12 days! ME! W00t. I'm soooooooooooooo cool. Because I am. And I'm going to go shopping with Ash and Kat, spend the night at Tal's soon (I'll call you ASAP, Tal) and whatever else. Here's what I want for my birthday:
Train CD(s),
Jars of Clay CD(s),
Gift certificate to Borders,
Probation lifted,
Whatever poster Mom was talking about,
Jeremy Sumpter in a box,
Toby Mac CD(s),
Teen Idol,
Playmobile stuff,
Napoleon Dynamite,
That guy in PD 2 drawn and quartered (The scalliwag. Michael was SOOOOO much better),
Various other stuff that I can't really remember.


Blogger Bard said...

Yeah, that works too. The only reason I said in a box was because I asked Kat what she wanted for Christmas, and she said "Jeremy Sumpter," and I told her no, something I can give you, like in a box. She promptly replied "Jeremy Sumpter in a box."
Yeah. I have weird friends. Can't say I blame her, though. In a cake is good, though. Just as long as it's really him, not a decoy.

9:44 AM

Blogger Bard said...

I remember that. Wasn't it in a Simba cake?

10:31 PM


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