The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Dum da da dum!

So I signed up for National Novel Writing month (aka NaNoWriMo). I have to write a 50,000 word story in a month. This month, actually. Which is why I didn't blog yesterday or the day before. The day before I was up until 2:00 in the morning writing my novel, and last night Dad was on, so I couldn't do anything.
Leaving me very far behind. Two days. 3,300 words, to be exact. *sighs* If you want to read what I've got so far, you can go here.
Anyway, Mom started working (as she usually does this time of year) Tuesday, and I was in charge of the kids. Pop was still here, but he just watched Baby, so I was stuck working in the mental ward. Here is a sample conversation. Pop is stealing a piece of candy from our rewards box. Edison says:
"Don't eat that. It's for rewards." Pop says:
"I'm 62."
"That doesn't matter. If Monet killed somebody-"
"I'm 62. I'm not killing anybody."
"Okay, let's make it something smaller. If you steal a piece of candy-"
"I'm not stealing, I'm eating a piece of candy. I'm 62, you have a whole life ahead of you."
Tell me, does that make any sense? No, not really. Whatever. I have enough to deal with without Pop. Monet has made several attempts on my life so far. And Mom's only worked one day! But it usually starts out pretty rocky, then things even up.
But if the Christmas banquet thing gets sceduled for the same day as a concert, I'm skipping it. Last year I missed the concert, and Ash said it was really fun, and they did well.
Just my luck.
Besides, if I don't go, there's less chance of me getting kissed.
Okay, that sounded weird.
Let me explain. There's this song that the local high school choir (who preforms at this banquet) always does. It's called the mistletoe polka. They sing this STUPID song, and then go out into one row, and he or she kisses (on the cheek) all the girls or boys in their row.
Leave it to me to get it not only one time, but both times. Edison and Monet, of course, are unscarred.
So if I miss the banquet, I won't be missing much. I still get my candy.
And I like candy.


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