The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I sang THAT!?

I was looking at my old choir music today. I have stuff that I sang in choir when I was 7. Some of it I don't even remember. Some of it I can still sing without even looking at the music. I'm not talking Christmas carols, either. I'm talking Bach. Some of the stuff my little brother sang at the last concert, and I could practically sing along with. Old times...
Today Mom and I went to a creative writing class. It was really great. It turns out that I'd actually read one of the books the writer wrote, only it was a long time ago. I thought the cover looked familiar, then she started talking briefly about the plot, and I burst out "Hey! I read that book!" Before that she asked what one of the things that majorly turned the tide in America against slavery. I knew that the answer was Uncle Tom's Cabin, but I was too much of a sissy to say anything. I have to write a little blurb about why I write. Um, non-writing, practicaly. I've never finished anything (Except school stuff and poems, and that doesn't count. Well, I have a first draft of a short story written, but it basically sucks, so that doesn't count either.), and the only thing I write on a baily dasis is this blog. And that's not the greatest acomplishment ever achieved. At all. Not to say I don't like my blog, it's just not too much in the great uncharted sea of publishingness.
Whoa. That almost sounded cool.
To get my derailed (deranged) mind back into the train of thought, rather than tied to the rails, I guess I could say that I write because I...
Am a lot better at saying things when I don't have to look at a person.
Tend to start screaming things like "I DON'T EVEN CARE ANY MORE!" and "TYRANT" (haha Blade in The Dark Lord of Derkholm) if I don't write.
Because it's really the only time I feel remotely okay with myself.
And now Mom needs to finish her post, even though she calls me Bad. *shrugs*


Blogger Thicket Dweller said...

I don't call you "Bad." You have to explain. Plus, there's no such word as "bursted."

9:07 PM


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