The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...

That dramatic beginning to an otherwise dullish post is to welcome a new member to our household. The member is actually a potbellied pig named Clover. Some friend's of Mom's brought it over today, and although Mom said that they were bringing a surprise, and she said that the surprise was of the lively sort, she did not say exactly what sort of alive thing it was. Is. But it's a pig. Who is living indoors. She's trained, I guess. We just take her out like a dog. And that's the new news of the day.
Old news (I think) would be that I have a speech tournament on Saturday. I think I've mentioned this before, but I might not have. Regardless, it is in existence, and I am going to it. And leaving, I discovered today, at 5:00 in the morning. Which is just great. I want to be all bright and chipper for my speech, but that doesn't seem to be happening. I guess there isn't really an alternative, though, because otherwise we'd have to stay in a hotel, and that's a little out of the price range, especially with gas prices being what they are (Which would be high, in case you're from some other planet and are reading this. In which case, Hello, friend. I am the leader of the world. If you want to have some kind of talk, I'm the girl to come to.) and us not having any extra cash lying around anyway.
We went to church again today. There was a potluck and I felt kind of guilty for being there, seeing as we've only gone there three weeks and all. But everyone told us to stay when we were on our way out the door. So we did. And the food was really good. We also went to Sunday School, which was nice. And their youth group thing is doing 30 hour famine, and they asked if Edison and I wanted to do it, and I said I didn't know. I mean, I'm not going to know anyone there, unless Emma does it. Which I don't know if she is or not. She was sick this morning. (Get well soon, Emma, even though you aren't reading this!) So I don't know. Edison wants to do it, but Edison has no problem with going up to random people and asking for sponsorships and stuff, so he probably wouldn't have a problem with going to something where he didn't know anyone. He's all groovy like that.
Oh, yeah. The man in charge of the Sunday School class was talking about self-image and stuff, and he was saying that some of the kids he knew in class were great, or something. I mean great about not being hard on themselves and stuff, and he turned to Edison and me and said "And even though I don't know you, I can see that you're both positive young people," and I think he was serious, which was sweet. And kind of funny. I mean, I almost started to laugh, but I didn't. Because out of all the people in the world who are hard on themselves, I'm pretty near the top of the list. And my self-confidence level? Yeah, if it were a car's gas gauge, I would open the door and the needle would fall out. Because I'm not very self-confident. It's kind of weird because Edison and I are completely opposite. I'm boring and careful, and he's exciting and always taking risks. I'm reserved around people I don't know, and he's just loud. I'm reliable and he's forgetful. I know comparisons are odious and all that jazz, and I'm not depressed and feeling sorry for myself right now. I'm just thinking. I'm pretty sure I'd rather be me than be him, but there are some things I wish I could do. One thing is that I wish I could take risks and make friends easily. I think I'm too afraid people are going to... I don't know. This is getting pretty off topic and also boring. And not funny at all, and I'm supposed to be entertaining to readers.
Um, I'm going to a birthday party on Tuesday, I guess. Mom just told me. I'm supposed to bring a guitar, but if anyone thinks that I am going to play it, they are dead wrong. I think the whole family is invited, so Edison at least will be there. I don't know about my parents. I guess that means we shoud get a present of some sort. Hm...
I can't really think of anything else. Oh! I had choir on Saturday. I had a good time talking with my friends who I hadn't seen since before Christmas. That was nice. We sang some Chinese songs, which was a blast from the past. Afterwards Dad took me to a guitar shop, and he let me try out a buncha guitars for fun. I played a 12 string, which was unbelievable. If I happened to have $1,200 to spare, I would so get one. I played Give a Little Bit on it. Fun. I also played a round one, which I forget what type it was. A couple other ones like Dad's except newer. Dad (I think) is going to get his set-up, so it'll sound better and the high e string won't jangle so much. Because I know it isn't my fault it's so twangy. Getting is set up means getting the frets ground down to all the same height, and stuff like that. It makes the guitar sound better if it hasn't been done for a while.
Wow. This is just a really long and boring post. So if you don't read the whole thing I do not blame you. It was pretty much me rambling on and on about my life and thoughts. But hey, that's kind of why I even have this blog!


Blogger Polka Dotted Pickles said...

Ah! A potbellied pig? Wow! I don't know if I have ever seen one of those..

7:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Bard! You rock at speech!

3:07 PM

Blogger Thicket Dweller said...

I loved this post. I learn so much about you when I read your blog. :-)

I agree with Ash. You rock at speech!

And I'm very, very glad that you're you.

7:12 PM


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