The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Monday, February 27, 2006

I know there's no point to this, but I continue my crusade

Stupid people bug me.
The most annoying thing in the world is some smarty-pants who thinks it's really fun to say dumb stuff all the time. I guess I don't meet as many of them in real life, but what is it about the internet that brings out the worst in some people? One of my friends has a Xanga that she updated often and posted pictures on. She lives too far away for me to talk to her often, and I liked being able to read her Xanga and get updates on her life. But then some moronic guy decided that it would be really fun to randomly go through Xangas and make rude comments on them. Hers was one of them. And it wasn't just one comment. Oh no, he had to comment on every post that she had. He wrote that she was ugly (she loves to take pictures, and she had a bunch of her and her friends), that she was stupid, and a bunch of other rude stuff. And it wasn't just him. Eventually there were something like four or five people who were posting all the time. So she decided to stop posting on her Xanga. And she isn't the only one. I have other friends who are up against the same thing. Just because someone saw a link to their site somewhere and decided to swear at them for being... I guess for not being the same as everybody else. Or for just being alive. It's not only that, either. Message boards, (which I rarely frequent anymore) even the better ones, are filled with people who can't respect other people's opinions, and who could care less if they hurt someone's feelings. And it's frustrating, because some of the people are hurtful, but they have dumb logic, and they never read what anyone else has to say. As soon as a read something like that, I BURN to do something about it. But what can I do? Nothing. So I stop going to that site. That's the other awful thing about stupid people. They're prolific! They spread ignorance and venom across the world wide web. And there's nothing a person like me can do but turn the monitor off with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.
As if that weren't bad enough, they aren't even understandable. Typos, I can understand missing a few. I do that often. Abbreviating a few words, fine. I would be one of the first to say that conversational English is very different from formal English. Even if someone spells something wrong on occasion that's okay. But if someone sends me an email or comments on my blog, and it looks like "heyyyyy...iwas jist wundrin...lollolhaha...lyk!!!!!!!11 i lyk tht to...byyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!111" I won't even read it. And I only wish that I were exaggerating. Because I have seen that. Didn't understand it, but I have seen it.
I guess I'm getting all hot around the collar for no reason, but I'm annoyed.


Blogger Polka Dotted Pickles said...

Sorry you are irritated!

7:58 PM

Blogger Peter said...

I hate jerks. I wouldn't listen to Gilbert and Sullivan if it weren't for the Sullivan, because Gilbert's a jerk.

I used to get messages from random people that are just insulting. A lot of them really. I just close them--even though the temptation to iron out the wrinkles in their logic is overwhelming.

And don't even get me started on people who don't read what you say. A former friend of mine misread every single e-mail I sent until she simply stopped e-mailing me, and avoided me in person because I said something that rhymes with an anagram for a spoonerism of an abbreviation in another language that doesn't have an english equivalent but its closest match is a slightly negative colloquial in a town in the boonies--in Greenland.

I have a problem with people who can read the words, but don't know what they mean, and Assumptions takes (sic) it from there; or people who skim to get the idea.

11:02 PM

Blogger Bard said...

>I said something that rhymes with an anagram for a spoonerism of an abbreviation in another language that doesn't have an english equivalent but its closest match is a slightly negative colloquial in a town in the boonies--in Greenland.

Was that supposed to make sense?
Anyway, I just get so ANGRY with people who are...well, dumb. I guess that's why I'm probably going to take debate next year; I can blow off pent up agression for the stupid people in the world. Since they don't listen to me.
When I take over the world (HA!) the first thing I'm going to do is make a manditory school for the aforementioned people, and if they can't learn how to be civilized, then they are going to be locked up. And the world will be a happier place.

11:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm sorry. did you say something? i wasn't listening.

12:51 PM


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