The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sleeping in, or oversleeping?

This morning started out just a little later than it should have.
Then again, most of my mornings tend to do that...
On Thursdays I usually have classes through the homeschool group (namely Biology, Speech and Philosophy) and this Thursday was no exception. But Mom was going to breakfast with someone, and woke me up at 7:00. AM. Which does not sit all too well with me. So I got up, blearily, and trundled out my bedroom door to the bathroom, and then, after sitting down on my bed, I fell back asleep. I thought that I would wake up again (on Thursdays I usually wake up in five minutes, and then I stay up) but since we were up really late last night at Emma's house because of youth group, I guess I was more tired than usual. I come to that conclusion, because roughly two hours later, I woke up to Mom's voice from downstairs.
"Are you ready?"
I was not. But of course I didn't say that. What I said (while jumping into whatever clothing was nearest to me) was "Yeah. Just a second!" I proceeded to bump into/knock over/step on everything in my room, including the walls. And then I looked at the clock.
Biology starts at 9:00. It was 9:00. And it takes 15 minutes or so to get there. Great. So I walked in 10 minutes or so late. But I was casual. I was tired, but casual.
I also had speech, which went okay. In between Biology and Philosophy I have an hour long wait, and I usually hang out in one of the extra rooms with Aragorn and Grape until it's time for my class. We're writing a story together, so we tried to spend the time working on the outline, but we mostly goofed off, and I mostly ate Aragorn's sister's cheese crackers. I did most of the outline, too, but Aragorn added and tweaked some stuff. Only Grape has the copy because it was in her notebook.
Also, today the pastor for the church we're going to came to visit. It was pretty nice, actually. We talked about our old churches, and about where we used to live, and also about Calvin and Hobbes. It was nice. We had tea, and I feel all british.
I found out today that I'll probably end up being tutored for Algebra 2 during the summer, because the curriculum I'm using doesn't have a geometry class, it mixes geometry into Algebra 1 and 2. So if I want to take the PSAT, I'll have to take the class. Which kind of stinks, because that means next year I won't be in a class with Grape, Aragorn, Gip and Weasel. And I like being in class with them, because I'm actually friends with them and we have fun. (Except for when Gip can't keep his mouth shut. And then I can't concentrate.) The other bad thing is that I heard that the people in Algebra 2 finish 5 lessons in an hour, where is usually takes us an two and a half. And Aragorn, whose mother teaches, says that both the guys in the class are geniuses. And I would have to be in Advanced Math with both of them. Which might not be so cool.
Anyway, I'm sure you're tired of hearing about my day, so I'll sign off.


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