The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Blah. Just Blah.

Who are your Husbands from Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, and Pirates of the Caribbean? by orliana
What is your name?
Whats your favourites colour?
How old are you?
Your Lord of the Rings Husband is:Samwise Gamgee
Your Harry Potter Husband is:Cho Chang
Your Pirates of the Carribean is:Jack Sparrow
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Another Quiz thing. HOW DID I GET CHANG?!?!?! I hate her. And she isn't a husband, anyway.
I think I actually got Ron, and they just don't want to tell me. Because I'd be too happy. That's gotta be it. But Sam is my favorite character, next to Pippin. And Jack Sparrow is awsome. I'm so glad I didn't get Will. Bleh. I think I'm the only teenage girl that is not in love with Orlando Bloom. Because I'm really really not. I don't get the whole "Orli is sooooooooo hott" thing. Just like I don't get the whole "Draco/Tom Felton is soooooooo hott" thing.
Nothing good happened yesterday, except I caught up with my novel. Wonder of wonders, I've been behind the whole time. So now I only have to do 1,667 a day, instead of almost 3,000 words a day, like I have been doing, beause I've missed four days so far. No fun.
I talked to Kat on the phone yesterday. That was something good. We talked about how she might be going to Mexico this Summer for a Habitat for Humanity like thing. She inhaled a cookie while she was talking to me, and nearly died. Actually, she inhaled two cookies, but I'm still not quite sure why she inhaled the second one, when the first one nearly killed her. So, I vented about my awful day to her, and she was nice enough not to tell me that I seriously needed to get a life, or something.
Not that I don't still need to get a life, she just didn't tell me that I did. Or something.
Pay no attention to the girl behind the computer screen.
Have you ever had a day where you felt stretched out of yourself? Like you didn't feel right? That's how I felt on Tuesday. When I posted all those quizzes. I didn't post anything else because I wasn't me.
That sounds like I was taken over by aliens, or something. I don't think I was. I just felt weird. I can't really explain it. I was apathetic. I hardly did anything, and I'm not an apathetic person at all. But whatever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are not the only one who is not in love with Orlando Bloom or Tom Felton. I confess that I feel the same way. Jeremy Sumpter is way better than either of them.


11:45 PM

Blogger Bard said...

Cool. Now I feel better about myself.

11:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wennie feels that way too. But she's not exactly a teenager yet.

11:56 PM

Blogger Bard said...

Better about herself, or taken over by aliens?

12:01 AM


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