The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Friday, March 11, 2005

i no how 2 spel & rite!111 reely!!!1! lyk omg!1!11! gramer rox

First off, go here. Click find a flake, and type in any or all of these numbers to see my snowflakes.

Okay. I didn't really have the time or the energy to post yesterday. We had a field trip to the John Glenn Research Center. I've been there before, but it was still a lot of fun. Kat was there, and also another girl whose name I can't remember. I'll call her Heather. Just because. There was a scavenger hunt to find different info. Or 411, if I wanted to be all hip. In any case, I learned what OSCAR stands for (Orbiting Satellite Carrying amateur Radio) and messed around with a really cool TV thing. There were these two stations, and a TV screen in each one. You could see and hear whoever was in the other station. It was bloody brilliant. There was a background of the Brooklyn Bridge; we did forecasts that the bridge was definitely going to come down during the next big storm. After that, we went to a chocolate shop; I nearly threw up. I was NOT in a chocolate mood at all. Then we ate at Steak 'n Shake. I ordered a grilled cheese sandwich with onion rings. I was still feeling sick, so I wasn't too disappointed when the waitress brought me raw onions instead. I really don't get how she thought I meant raw onions when I said "With onion rings" but whatever. I wasn't very hungry anyway, so I didn't say anything to her. I actually DIDN'T sleep in the car, I just was thinking, and had my eyes closed.
No, really.
Today Dahee encouraged me to send my letter to Jeremy Sumpter. I guess I could, although I've really lost the nerve. Since Dahee is slightly scary (even to me) I think I'll do what she said. Besides that, she sent some letter thing to some person that she likes, so I guess I could take a lesson from her bravery. If I do end up sending it and get a response, you can definitely expect it to be posted here, though I doubt he'll read, much less respond, to my letter. Still.
On a side note, I majorly cleaned my room today. You should have seen my bookshelves! They were crammed with stuff. I took off a bunch of books that should go downstairs, and a few that I want to take to the second-hand bookstore. I'll get MONEY! Well, actually, I'll probably get books. Whatever. Maybe they'll have some rare find. For really cheap. Except that bookstore is about an hour away. What isn't, from here?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your title is so true, I was on a chatboard and someone had a signature that said: "If misspelling was a person, I would strangle him." but they couldn't spell theirself. They spelled upon "apon".

8:07 PM


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