The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Stolen from Emmo--The Perfect Guy

The Perfect Guy
Hair color: Dark. Black or brown. Red is good, too.
Eyes: Green or brown.
Height: Tall. Not too tall though. Or else I wouldn't be able to talk to him without getting a crick in my neck.
Sixpack: Nice, but not needed.
Long or short hair: Ha ha. Shaggy. Michael Moscovitz style.
Glasses: Doesn't matter to me. Glasses are good.
Piercings: Definitely no.
Scars: Don't care.
Eyebrows: Um, yes?
Big butt or little: Weird question, anyone?
Chest hair: Not really.
Straight teeth, gap, or braces: Gaps are cute, braces are cool. Straight teeth are good too. In other words, I don't care.
Funny or serious: Funny. Way funny.
Party or stay at home: Both.
Should he cook or bake: Totally.
Should he have a best friend: If he wants one.
Should he have a lotta of girlfriends: Not a lot of girlfriends, but friend-girls, yeah, that's fine.
Outgoing or shy: Prolly outgoing. But I could sympathize with a shy guy.
Sarcastic or sincere: Can be sarcastic, but not all the time.
Should he watch chick flicks: Only if he won't complain about them.
Would he be a smoker: No.
Would he drink: No.
Would he swear: No.
Play with your hair: Yeah. That'd be nice.
Would he pay for dates: Sometimes. Not always. Cuz then I'd feel guilty.
Does he kiss on the first date: No way, Jose.
Where would you go to dinner: Don Pablo's!
Would he bring you flowers: Totally.
Would he lay under the stars with you: *sighs* Yeah.
Would he write poetry about you: I dunno. As long as it's not too sappy.
Would he call you honey, sweetie, or baby: Anything but baby or babe. Gag me with a spoon.
Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends: Not all the time.
Would you hang out with him and HIS friends: Totally. If he didn't mind.
Will he walk you to the door at the end: Yes.
Holding hands: Yes.
Soccer: Are you kidding? Soccer's a MUST.
Baseball: Eh. *shrugs* As long as he explains it to me, since I still don't understand anything.
Basketball: Don't care.
Football: No way. Football players scare me.
Waterpolo: Yeah, sure. I'm not sure what that is, anyway.
Surf: If he'll show me how.
Skateboard: As long as he doesn't get too much into the skater look.
Snowboard: Whatev.
Sing: Singing is the greatest, so yeah. Pretty much.
Play Piano: Yeah. We could (once I learn piano) play duets and stuff.
Play drums: Totally, dude.
Guitar: Yeah. So he can teach me.
Clean his room: Yeah, because I probably won't do it.
Paint, draw, sculpt: Meh. Whatever. It would be cool, I guess.
Writes his own music: Totally. Then he could write about me. Kidding.
Use the word dude: Not if he uses it all the time. But yeah.
Use the word tight: *laughs* I can just imagine... Prolly not. Reminds me of Spongebob (not the actual one, a guy I know).
Would he watch the sunrise with you: Um, I would probably fall asleep. Sunsets are good, though.
What kind of car does he drive: Ooh, a step truck!
How old is he: Around my age, not too much older or younger. 17 at the oldest.
What would his name be: Um, Michael Moscovitz! Muahahahaha. Or Jeremy. Or... Well, nevermind about that.


Blogger Polka Dotted Pickles said...

Cute post! I like the eyebrow and uses the word "tight" ones! :<)

4:11 PM


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