The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Puppies are lovely.

I just came back from Kat's house. I had a good time.
I think I need a more exciting life. Something with considerably more car chases and explosions. But seeing as I can't even drive yet, I don't think I'll be participating in any car chases.
Unless of course I get to be the hot chick shooting the gun at people. But that would require either a miracle or drastic plastic surgery, since I'm not sure anyone would describe me as hot. Cute, maybe. Even possibly pretty. Not hot.

Okay. So this is my lie life.

This morning I was awoken by the sound of sirens going off. My high tech watch (People have to have a high tech watch) was bleeping with an alert from the HQ. They needed me. So I put on my slick black leather jumpsuit and did a few pushups, then pulled my hair into a ponytail. I didn't need a brush or a mirror, because my hair is perfect. I could even leave it down, but I want to look tough today. Also, I don't have to put on any makeup because it's apparently tatooed on. Or else I have a robot to do it for me in my sleep. I'm not entirely clear on that point.
Anyway, when I got there, there were a bunch of guys standing around waiting for me. They all looked really astounded at my gorgeousness, especialy the new one, who I will probably end up dating by the end of today. They talked about some evil plan for a while, but I wasn't really paying attention. It's probably the same as always, anyway.
Then I made fun of the new guy for a while, then we went off and had a car chase, which ended in a shoot out, which ended in the enemy base exploding. Then the new guy and I had a romantic interlude. We were interrupted by some generic funny guy telling us that the bad guys were coming. Then we beat them after a really close call. Then they thought that the new guy's father/mentor/brother/dog was dead, but just when we were about to helocopter out of the rubble, he/she/it came stumbling out of the wreckage. Then after we got back there was another romantic interlude and the guy kissed me. Then I went back home and watched TV for a while. I can't wait to see what tommorow holds!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That icon down there is cool. It's so you. *cough* Okay, no way, you're a bajillion times better than a bunch of computerized pixels. And you are SO pretty, get it? Got it? Good.

7:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is so weird! i did the same thing today! are you reading my journal?

1:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way, that anonymous comment was from *me*, Dulcea. :)

6:59 AM

Blogger Bard said...

Everybody minus Ash: Gosh, now I feel like I was fishing. I honestly wasn't fishing for compliments. I was just making an observation.
Dulcea: I thought the comment was you, but I wasn't totally sure. Those little picture things are so much fun to do. Only I can't ever get one to look like me.
Em-bot: I thought that was you, Kiara Knightly. Or something.
Ash: Wasn't I with you when I did all that stuff? I thought I was. You and the generic funny guy were pretty tight.
Silvie: Thank you for your support, even though you have to lie.

3:06 PM


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