The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

I want to say something meaningful...

But I can't think of anything.

I have this whole week off, and I'm probably going to enjoy myself immensely. Edison and I might go see Nacho Libre, and I know that I'm going to be playing guitar bunches. I'm hoping Dad'll teach me something really hard, because people tend to take girl guitarists lightly, which is annoying to no end. But other than that, I'll probably end up sleeping a lot. I slept for a billion hours today. I didn't even get up until 12:00, and it felt so good. I remember when I used to do that every day. That's just plain insane. Then I took a nap today, too. I was so tired.

Does anyone else ever feel like life is always going to be the same? Sometimes I wake up and think that nothing is ever going to change for me, and though I know it's probably not true, it still worries me a little bit. Then other times I look around and think that everything's changing too much. Except for me. I feel the same as I always have. I don't feel like I'm getting more mature, or anything. Well, I guess I feel a lot less shy than I used to be. I talk to people who I don't know, and I never used to do that. And I feel a lot more comfortable around people. Someone actually described me as outgoing, which is probably a first. But other than that, I feel like I'm never going to be anyone, or do anything. I guess I should work on my novels if I want to be anything, but most of the time I get bogged down in thinking about whether or not they're good and get really critical of my work. Then I just get depressed.

Luke Skywalker, Ash's little brother who is six months younger than I am, just went on his first date. Which makes me slightly depressed. I always figured I'd go on a date before him. Actually, I told Ash that if he got a date before me, I would kill myself. Lo and behold, he got a date. But I'm not going to kill myself, don't worry. I'm just going to have a private pity party. Until one of them gets tired of the other. Then I'll be happy. I am so awful.

I think that's all the stuff I have for today. Remember, kids: Don't smoke dope.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nacho Libre was pretty much funny to me. I didn't know you were playing guitar! That's so awesome! You're a good kid, Thicky. Keep it real.

10:29 PM


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