The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Star wars joke and funny translations

I'm not really going to say anything about today because all I've done so far is water plants, and no one wants to hear about that. Even I don't want to hear about it. Although I really do love my job. I'm not just saying it to make it true. I love it.
So, the other day my five year old girl cousin (who is going to be known as Model because she could be one) started telling Edison a joke.
"Hey, Edison. What did Qui-Gon say to Luke when they went to a restaruant?"
"Qui-Gon never met Luke," Edison said through a mouthful of marshmallow. "Qui-Gon died like, 10 years before Luke was even born."
"Just answer the question."
"You should use Yoda or Obi-Wan, because they did meet Luke."
"Well, the joke goes Qui-Gon. Do you know?"
"Use the fork. You already told me that one."
I thought it was kind of funny.
Another funny thing was this: Mom stopped at a gas station and bought Baby this little toy cell phone. It was some Barbie wanna-be pink monstrosity that I was surprised my mother bought. Until I saw the title. It said Benign Girl Super Telephone. It was made in some other country. I think they were going for design, but missed slightly. It cracked me up. It also had this cool little ringtone thing that played "Ai-ai-ah, ai-i-ah!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend, will you come to the Clays' house to hear the Stockdales play? Because then you can prevent me from falling and cutting up my knee again. Can't do it without you!


12:25 PM

Blogger Bard said...

When is it? I don't think I know about this at all. Maybe Mom did. Or maybe I just wasn't invited because everyone was afraid I'd blow something up.

5:28 PM


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