The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Monday, April 04, 2005

If you don't know me by now...

You will never never never know me, ooh.
That's pretty much true, since I post tons of stuff here that I mostly forget to mention when I talk to my friends. Ya'll should feel privleged. Or maybe bored.
John Tesh says you shouldn't name your kid Rumour, Apple or Pixie. I have to say that I agree with him. Well, maybe Pixie is kind of cool. But Rumour and Apple? By the way, all you people who's last name is Noel? Don't name your kid Holly. It's WAY done. And no Mary Christmas either. Your child will probably not be amused. Tuesday, however, is a pretty cool name in my opinion.
I think my name (which I will not divulge at this time) is pretty uncharacteristic for me. But whatever. It would be awesome if my name were something like Arabella, or maybe Tony. Something people won't forget. Or think is something else. But then I think I would be a different person, a little bit. I've got a kind of run-of-the-mill name, and I'm a run-of-the-mill kind of person. Who looks like a lot of people, according to just about everyone I meet. Just about everyone says to me "You remind me of my friend/cousin/mother/girlfriend/ex-girlfriend/axe murderess." Or "You remind me of a girl that I once knew. I see her fave whenever I, I look at you. You can't imagine all the things she put me through (like the window), which is why I just can't get with you."
Okay, so no one has ever told me that before. The second option, I mean.
It's hard to read manuscripts of music. They aren't very neat. I can't even tell what the heck I'm supposed to sing. That's actually a problem, believe it or not. Magnificat wasn't so bad, since it was just our choir written in, but this new song not only has parts in Chinese, it's also got four parts for each choir (there are three choirs). That's 12 parts in two (so far) languages. Talk about confusing!
I have a new shirt. It says "Crazy doesn't even begin to cover it." It has a monkey.
Well yeah, it's a monkey, but it's not very interesting. Oh! I got it!


Blogger Bard said...

Maybe. Then you could call him Dash. Why?

8:03 AM


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