The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Monday, July 24, 2006

But why is the rum gone?

Today I am going to be brave and write my title AFTER I write the post. Usually I do the title first, which may or may not be the reason why my titles never really have anything to do with what I actually post. I might be able to figure out some sort of overall topic today and turn it into a title. Or I may do a random one, like I usually do.
I went to Ash's house yesterday, and had a great time. We watched movies all night, and saw that it was very good. We watched the movies that you can talk through most of them and say the lines along because you have the movie memorized. This means Pirates of the Caribbean and Princess Bride. We also watched Princess of Thieves, but I don't have that one memorized because I'd never seen the entire thing, so we didn't talk through all of it. But Princess Bride and PotC are the best movies in the entire world. No joke. Plus Westley is hot. *cough* I mean, Westley is a fine, upstanding citizen. That's what I meant.
Also we listened to Brian Reagan. He is one of the funniest men alive. And he doesn't swear as much as Dane Cook, who does a lot, and is hard to listen to because of it.
"Brian. What is the i before e rule."
"I before e...always..."
"No, Brian. I before e except after c, and when sounding like a as in neighbor or weigh, and on weekends and holidays and the month of May and you'll always be wrong no matter WHAT you say!"
"Man, that's a hard rule."
Then there's the spelling bee.
"I was fine until the spelling bee. Before that I was a moron, but no one knew it. The worst thing is getting up there and spelling it wrong in front of all your friends and sitting down. I was WAY off. I mean, I was using numbers and stuff."
I can't even START to list all the funny stuff he said. He also talked about having 8 kids in his family, which I could kind of sympathize with, having 5 in mine. But they're all nutso, so I guess that equals 8.
Anyway, I think that's just about all I have to say. And I though of an okay title, so everything is fine.


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