The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Dulcea's Wild Party

I just got back from Dulcea's birthday party. It was so much fun! We played Mafia, and had a HUGE water fight, and I got a buncha people in the face. And Z let me use his bucket, for which I will record him forever as a Nice Person. Also there was a nacho machine.
And Aragorn's topic (which I don't know anything about) will be discussed today.
Red weddings are really in because red is the new white, just like orange is the new pink and pink is the new black. So people think they're getting all white stuff, but really it's red because the fancy design people call red white now, and no one knows what they're talking about anymore. Not that anyone knew in the first place. Those people don't really make any sense to me. A lot of people don't make any sense to me. Also people think that red is hot. I don't know if that's accurate, but I don't think it is because anyone can buy red clothes, even me. And not everyone is hot, so red might not always be attractive, although people shouldn't judge by looks in the first place. So, in conclusion, do whatever you want for your wedding. I'm going to have a hippy wedding like in Runaway Bride, except that I don't know who I'm going to marry yet, if I marry at all. Maybe instead of getting married I'll just wear a pretty dress and have a huge party and go on a trip afterwards. That way I can have all the fun without any of the responsibility. I think that sounds pretty fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, for shame, my party was wilder than I intended. (IT'S ALL ISAAC'S FAULT!!!! AND CHARLES-IN-CHARGE!!!) But it coitainly was fun, I must say. The best party I have ever hosted. And that hasn't been many, so maybe it wasn't so great. I dunno, and I don't really care, because I've got about a dozen or so hours until I fall into my 16th year of life. Yeah, I may be turning 15, but really it'll be, as I said, my 16th year of life. Cool, no?

Farewell, Ethel Barrymore, I must TEAR myself from your side! *rrrripp*


6:52 PM

Blogger Bard said...

Isaac and Charlesincharge are two WILD boys. I only regret that Charlesincharge left before I could get him with a bucket. I guess I'll have to content myself with the fact that I threw a shoe at him during Mafia.
It was a totally wonderful party. So don't worry about that. The only way it could have been cooler is if MP would have been there.

2:49 PM


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