The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

This one's for Em-bot.

First of all, I'm feeling a lot better today, and thank you, everyone, for praying and hugging and wishing me better and all that other good stuff.
Second of all, I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2! W00t! The only thing I'm going to say about it is that it's really good and everyone should go and see it. I don't want to give anything away to those who haven't seen it. With that, I will go into the topic for today.
Johnny Depp and cake. For Sil, I will not mention anything about his latest movie.
One thing that Em is good at is making bundt cakes. She's practically famous for it, actually. And she took a picture of one and put it on her site, and I thought it looked wonderful. Cakes in general are wonderful, especially cheesecake and carrot cake. Carrot cake is wonderful because of the really good frosting, and because you can eat it for breakfast because it has veggies in it. Cheesecake, well, it's cheesecake. There isn't really anything to say about it.
If I were really smart, I could list a bunch of interesting facts about cakes all over the world, but as I am not, I will tell you that when I was little, my mother told me that there are no carrots in carrot cake, and I believed her. I don't know how I managed to be so stupid when I was that age, but I was. The jig was up when I saw her scraping carrots into the batter, though. It was like that one Calvin and Hobbes comic where Calvin jumps out at his parents on Christmas Eve while they're enjoying some hot cocoa, and says, "AHA! Santa flambe!" Only I don't know how to so the little accent thing on the keyboard. There is an accent on that, right?
Another good thing about cakes is that you get one on your birthday. Sometimes the ones from stores like Giant Eagle or whatever are pretty cruddy, but they are still full of sugar, and that's the important part, right? I usually get an ice cream cake from DQ on my birthday because they're really good and because they have those little crunchy fudge things. The Baby calls all cakes birthdays. So if she ever tells you that she's going to eat your birthday, it means she's going to eat your cake.
I think that's all I have to say about cakes.
Johnny Depp is also really cool. Ash's cousin had a tee shirt that says Crybaby (which is a movie Johnny Depp was in) and people always tell him, "That's a good movie," but firstly, he has never seen the movie and secondly, the shirt is actually for some kind of music thing, which figures.
There is a song where a guy says he wishes he were Johnny Depp. It's a really good song. Harrod and Funck. So go look 'em up.
A lot of girls have crushes on Johnny Depp. I do not, but I can see why other people do, because he's pretty cool, and girls only like guys with skills.
Gosh. I can't say anything else about him without wanting to talk about the movie. So I'm done.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When someone writes a song about Johnny Depp, you can tell they're slowly sliding off the Billboard charts.

YES! I'm SO glad you're feeling better! How is everyone else doing? If you don't feel like replying to this on your blog, you can always email me. :D Because I would be ecstatic, euphoric, and pretty darn happy to hear from you!!

-Your very long lost twin

6:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please email me when you can, dear twin!

-Twinny the Roman goddess of persuasion

9:39 AM

Blogger Bard said...

Sil: Love you, too, Silvie. Don't give in to the spoilers! The movie is so very good that it won't do them justice.
Dulcea: I emailed you, info on why that took so long in the actual email. I feel bad about that. I can't wait to see you!

11:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Thicky. Sorry I haven't commented in a while. This may/may not be because every time I get into blogger I forget my user name and password, and even though I can post anonymously or whatever, I feel the need to wait for the e-mail from them to come and it never does...but I digress.
This entry was a wonderful testament to cake and Johnny Depp, and I thank you for your wisdom, Thicky. I want to make a Johnny Depp cake.

10:46 AM


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