The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


I went to another party. I am just a regular party animal. I got a prize, too. But I'm not saying what for. Because everyone will laugh at me.
Also I played Red Rover for the first time in my life, and I sustained heavy damage. But other than that it was fun.
I don't have any deep thoughts for today. I don't have any thoughts. I need to record my thoughts when I have worthy ones. Or even interesting ones. Or even any kind. Arg. I usually have something to say about SOMETHING. But I can't think of ANYTHING lately. Is it possible that I have run out of original thoughts?
I guess I have some other thoughts, but I don't really want to put them out for everyone to read. Maybe lately I've been thinking things that are more about what I'm going to do with my life, and I guess about how different people react to circumstances in their lives differently. I think that's the only way I can put it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Red Rover is the bomb, but we've had many stories of...ahem...unfortunate events caused by it. So we rarely get permission to play it anymore.

Your avatar is way hot. You as a secret agent, hm?


p.s. SORRRRRRRRRRRRRY about not replying to the Jumping Anaconda email, I will get to it today!

11:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also sustained heavy injuries... My bruises are finally going away. :) Whenever anyone asks what happened, I just say, "That's what I get for playing Red Rover with a bunch of girls!"

1:03 PM


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