The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Bard the Director?

First off, I'd like to say THANK YOU! to impromptu-mom for sending me needles for my cross stitch! I wasn't even sure what size I needed!
Today I went to a homeschooled choir. I did it last week, too, but I think I forgot to mention it. Whatever. They're pretty good, all things considered. I mean, they're not professional or anything, but they aren't supposed to be. The director is really nice.
Except for the fact that she doesn't actually direct.
Anyone familiar with music knows that there is always a conductor gesturing madly with a little pointy stick. This is to:
a) Indicate to the musicians what the tempo is,
b) Indicate to the musicians how they are meant to play/sing the music (gently, forte, crescendo)
d) Indicate to the musicians when to come in.
She wasn't conducting. She was standing with her arms folded towards the back of the sanctuary. I know this is because she isn't actually a conductor. She was in a choir, and wanted to give the opportunity to the homeschoolers. I can understand that.
I was talking to Mom about it on the way home, and she commented that I should organize (after this choir is finished) another homeschooled choir and direct. To which I replied "Yeah right. I'm not a conductor, either."
"Bard, you know more about conducting than she does." That's true. But still.
"Mom, I can pretty much only do this." I began to beat out three four time (a waltz).
"So. You can ask Mrs. Jay for help. I'm sure she'd be glad to give you a few pointers. Bard, you know about music. You know when it's right or not."
I'm not too sure about this idea. I'm not that great a sight reader, and I'm not that much of a leader. What if the other teens just laughed at me? It's not like I ever lead anything in normal life. I don't think anyone would listen to me.
Earlier we went to a writer's group. It was interesting. The people were really nice. I didn't have much of a problem with anything, although Mom thought that there was a lot of adult language (mostly in the actual writing, not so much in the discussion that I noticed.). I think the people were very good at giving constructive criticism. That's a hard thing to do. Speaking of that, I'm going to give Deb a chapter of some of my prose fiction and let her tell me if it's any good. I don't think it is. Re-reading it, I realize that I'm an awful writer.
And I can't fix it. It's really very frustrating.


Blogger impromptu-mom said...

You are very welcome! I know how easy it is to come to a standstill on projects when you don't have the right tools and you lose your motivation. (just ask my family how many "works in progress" are lying around here)
As far as directing goes, it's all in the attitude. If you go in and act sure of your self and in charge, then you will be sure of your self and in charge. In your case it really is as simple as that. You definitely have enough of a musical background to conduct. Your sight-reading will only improve with practice. You have the awareness. Like your Mom said, you know when it isn't right. That's what makes a good conductor.
A little confidence really can go a long way towards helping you reach your goals. And you don't have to wait for someone to tell you that you are a director, before you can be one. I belive you Mom had a similar revelation on being a writer recently. I say go for it. Jump right up there and grab that baton!

6:12 PM

Blogger Thicket Dweller said...

Well said, I.M. and Fyshness. Bard needs to realize that she's talented, and using that talent to help others will only make her more skilled. Teachers learn as much as their students do. Maybe even more. Who knows, Bard? You might have found your calling in life.

9:14 PM

Blogger Polka Dotted Pickles said...

You should SO give it a shot! You never know what results you might get. It sounds dumb but it's true: believe in yourself. :>)

3:26 PM

Blogger Bard said...

I.M. I've already made a ton of progress (even though I had to rip that one section out, grrr)! I guess the whole problem with me IS that I'm not exactly self-confident. I think I'll just have to force myself into action. I don't have to decide for a while anyway.
Silvie: I could teach you to sight read. Ohio isn't that far for you, right? *grins* I'm so glad that you guys on Bob and Sheroes are behind me, even if I'm absent right now. I mean, if you've got a bunch of insane- I mean creative people like Emmo and Dahee behind you, how can you go wrong?
Pickle-girl: Stuff is oft-quoted for a reason, right?
Mom: I can just talk to you, so I don't need to leave a comment. HA!

8:54 PM


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