The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Fun and Frustration

Creative writing today was DA BOMB. We ran an hour late, but we had a ton of stuff to talk about. Then we went to Wal*Mart and on our way out saw Deb (the teacher) and talked to her for another 10 minutes. She's really cool. Rose, an Amish woman that goes to Creative Writing class too, complimented me on my outfit (pink hat, choir Italy tour t-shirt, and sweats). This was totally shocking to me because:
a) I don't think I look very good in hats, I just think they're cool
b) I always feel like a slob wearing sweatpants because they're so comfy
c) My choir shirt is just plain white with a brightly colored little picture in the center
d) I kind of just slapped my clothes on this morning.
I love CW classes. I look forward to them all week long. I don't know what I'll do when they're over. Deb is my muse.

Have you ever had a friend that you love dearly, but drives you insane at times? Actually, to be fair, this time it isn't her fault. He mom and dad both told Mom (and I was in the room one of the times she was on the phone and heard her ask) that Kat's birthday was off. Then tonight she called three times (while we were in class, and Mom pushed ignore the first two times) to ask if I was still coming tomorrow. She wants me to stay from Wednesday at 5 to Saturday night. Am I wrong in thinking that is a honking long time to spend away from home?
Am I also wrong in thinking that when someone tells you that they're busy, but doesn't specify what they're doing, it's impolite to ask exactly why they can't do what you want? I don't do that. If I do, please tell me right now, because I'd hate to annoy someone like I'm being annoyed. Not only that, she wanted me to SKIP CHOIR!!!! (you know I'm upset when I use more than two exclamation points. Let two at all) so I could spend the night! SKIP CHOIR! Actually, her mom asked, then Kat tried to pressure me into doing so. She knows that Saturday morning rehersals are probably the most important! She knows how Mrs. Jay hates people skipping choir, even for a good reason! She knows that the only make-up rehersals are on Sundays, which I can't do. She knows that if I miss too many rehersals (read: two) without making them up I can't sing at the next concert! The family seems to think that I don't have a life other than them. Honestly, I do want to spend time with my family, I do have chores and responsibilities at home, I do have things I have to do for other people, and I do have a busy schedule. Kat already practically told me I should quit choir back when she decided we should be a band. I haven't heard anything about that for at least a month. Gah.


Blogger Polka Dotted Pickles said...

I wish I could meet you in real life! You sound like such an interesting person. Your sense of style rocks! :<)

9:04 AM

Blogger Bard said...

Thanks! I don't really have a sense of style, but I wear weird/cool stuff whether I look good in it or not.

12:32 PM


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