The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Of my many faults...

...jealousy is not one of them, I am proud to say. Usually. But this time... I don't know. I just finished reading my mother's blog, and now I think I'm feeling the beginnings of jealousy forming. Not only towards my mother, however. This is a rather wide jealousy.
You see, she just posted about how she was embracing writer-hood and how great it is (kind of, I'm not nearly as good at essays and profundity as she is) and I'm kind of feeling useless. It seems to me that everyone I know has some "skill" or calling or spiritual gift and even if they don't know what they're doing, they
a) Know that they are going to do something world-changing, and
b) Have the skills to do almost anything they end up wanting to do.
c) Or they're rich. Okay. I don't know any rich people personally, but if I did, that would be an option.
Sure, my friends have problems (who doesn't?) and I'm not saying that I want to be them, or that they shouldn't have all this ability. I'm just thinking...
*little tiny childish voice* I just kind of want a piece of that.
I have neither direction for my life nor skills. I know what you're thinking. "She's one of those people who doesn't even know how good she has it. She's probably a model and the next Einstein/Julia Roberts/Susan B. Anthony/Jane Goodall." Actually, no. I'm totally serious here. I really am not talented at anything. I'm no dog, looks wise, and I'm not stupid, either. I'm just kind of here. In fact, if there were one word I would use to decribe myself, it would probably be nondescript. I'm average in every way possible. Not my lifestyle, obviously. How many 15 year olds have lived in a two room cabin with an outhouse for around two years? And how many are homeschooled? I'm pretty exeptional in that respect. Unfortunately, my lifestyle has very little to do with me. It has mostly to do with my parents. I can't really do anything by myself.
Just in case you are a person who does have a purpose in life, I have to tell you how much I envy you, since my purpose seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle of futures. Probably through some fault of my own. I can just imagine... *thought bubby, hazy frame*
Angel: All people about to be born, form a line to my right. *taps my shoulder* Excuse me, ma'am. Have you filled out the nessasary paperwork?
Me: *shuffles around* No, not exactly. I kind of lost it. But here's a picture I drew of the family I want. *hands picture*
Angel: *squints* Is that a dog right there? *points*
Me: *looks at paper* No, that's a house. Don't worry about it, it's a common mistake in my artwork.
Angel: *taps foot impatiently* Well, I'll give you a few minutes to fill this out. Hurry with it, though. You're going to be overdue.
Me: Okay. *takes paper and begins to fill out* Hmm. This will take way to long. I'll just circle random choices. It won't hurt anything much.
Drifting back into reality... That would explain a lot. Including my allergy to some types of metal. Severe allergy. As in, touches my skin for a few hours, I break out.
If you have a skill, cherish it. You're better off than I am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no words of wisdom or advice to give, all I can say is that I often feel the same way. I feel like I'll never be something, you're a better writer than me (although I'm not sure that's saying much), I'm not althetic, all I have is my will to learn and hope. Hope that by pushing on and working hard will get me somewhere. So don't give up hope, because it's allways there.

8:59 PM

Blogger Polka Dotted Pickles said...

You know I don't know you personally, but I think you have many cool things about you! You are very original (I didn't know you lived in a cabin w/ and outhouse and homeschooled!) You have a great sense of humor. And I think you really are a good writer! Seriously! :<)

9:25 PM

Blogger Michael said...

Unbelievable thoughts from somebody so young. You are either 30 years ahead of your time or I am 30 years behind. I think about passions, about talents, about successes of others too. Your mom is an amazing writing there is no doubt there.

When I read writers like her I can't help feeling that "I just kind of want a piece of that" too.

I have a 15 year old son and I can see him shaking his head if I were to get into a lecture about "you having a lot of time to discover your own talents". So I won't go there even if there is some truth to it. Even at my age I know there is some truth to it.

But you have already said the real truth, "I'm not saying I want to be them"
If you look deep inside you know that you would not trade being anyone else but you.

Just keep pulling the best stuff out of you like you did in this post and before you know it people will be saying the same things about you.

Take Care

7:21 AM

Blogger Bard said...

Tal: Thanks. You're an awesome writer. You've improved a lot even since you started e-mailing me (Not that you were bad when you started. You know what I mean). I remember a time when you HATED to write at all. *grins*
Danika: I'm glad to hear I have a great sense of humor. I often wonder about that. You're pretty funny yourself.
Michael: Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. It means a lot. I do know I have time to develop my identity/talents, but it just seems like I'm not going anywhere, sometimes. Other times it feels like I'm going backwards.

9:17 PM

Blogger Field Trip Lady said...

I LOVE this post!
I don't know if you'll want to hear this, but the fact is that many of us have felt the same way you do.
I have no words of wisdom, but I will say that you are beautiful and quite talented. Don't allow yourself to get caught up in comparisons.
Put Beethoven and Mozart in the same room and someone will inevitably decide that one of them was better than the other (Mozart:), but is it true?
Grandma Moses didn't even start to paint until she was 75, so you have at least a few more years to discover what it is that is your "thing."
Just be you. now, not tomorrow.
Wow, for no words of wisdom, I just keep on talking, don't I?
fyi, you also happen to be one of the coolest people I know.

10:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm heading toward the Grandma Moses goal of hoping to accomplish something at 75. I can sure identify with you, Bard. I wish I knew what I was going to be when I grow up ... or even now - BEFORE I grow up. You sure captured the thoughts of a lot of people there. Good job (imho) GMM

11:18 PM

Blogger Bard said...

PW (aka Blue): I guess you're right about being me now, and not worrying about how long it takes to do something. And I can't believe I'm one of the coolest people you know! You and your hubby are probably some of the coolest people I know.
G-ma: I think you've acomplished a lot already. I mean, if it weren't for you, there'd be no Dad, hence no me!

9:50 PM


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