The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I'm such a lazy bum.

I realize that it's been almost a week since my last post. You don't have to remind me. I've been busy. So sue me. Every night before I go to bed, Mom and Dad say
"Bard. Go to bed."
"Oh, but dearest parents, I wished to write on my educational and mature web log."
"Well, that's too bad for you. You took too long to eat your gruel."
"Please, I cleaned up the entire house. May I write just a few words so my loyal readers don't think I'm dead?"
"No. Shut up. Go away. No one likes your style."
Okay. So I was exaggerating. But still. I keep having to go to bed before I can write. This caused Mom to say "So why don't you write at 8:00 am?"
Because at 8:00 am nothing has happened to me yet. And I've probably forgotten what happened yesterday.

Um, back to things happening, nothing has happened. Except that at choir yesterday Mrs. Jay assigned 50,000 more TWO HOUR rehearsals.
Okay. Three. But they are for two hours. 15 minutes more than usual. That doesn't sound so bad, but it is. Trust me.

Ash and I are figuring on being dead within, oh, the next week or so. But that's okay. Ash especially, because she has a job. She said she was going to die on Monday, but she was wrongo.

I went to Kat's for like, two hours on Monday. Actually less than that. Thankfully she didn't mention any boys liking me (which she did on the pu-hon-ee repeatedly, causing me to, in turn, want to repeatedly
a) Kill myself,
b) Kill her,
c) Hang up the phone,
d) Hit someone,
e) Throw something.
Of course I did none of these things. I sat and listened politely, and acted like I didn't want to throttle something within an inch of it's life.).

I bet you were all worried that I wasn't going to close my parenthesis. Then you would be forced to mentally read the rest of my post in an undertone. The rest of my blog, even. I would have, anyway. I prolly would have stopped reading the blog at all. It would have bothered me.

In conclusion, I finally posted. But probably everyone has stopped reading this blog because "Stupid Bard never updates, unlike the marvy Polka Dotted Pickles blog that is so absolutely miraculous." Which, in all honesty, it is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand your troubles with finidng time to blog, I have the same kind of problems. But I would never stop reading your blog, it's too funny, even if you don't post very often, which I can't complain about, seeing as I'm worse about it.

7:56 PM

Blogger Hindsfeet said...

Well... my mind closed your parenthesis like this: (which she did on the pu-hon-ee repeatedly, causing me to, in turn, want to repeatedly
And then I went into confusion wondering how to a. But then, after I got to b) I got it and it all made more sense.

8:08 PM

Blogger Bard said...

Tal: I check your blog every day, too. Life is so hectic. Even though your hectic includes seeing RotS (which I haven't forgiven you for, yet).
Hind's Feet: I'm sorry to have confused you, even for a little while. I probably should have marked my choices differently. On a similar note, I read The Princess Bride and in the middle of the book there was an open parenthiesis. That bugged me to no end (although I did finish the book. How could I not?).

8:14 PM


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