The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


I've been bad. I haven't posted in a while. So sorry. I just kept forgetting. Um, I went to Ash's for her birthday party (lots and lots of fun) finished Creative Writing classes, got a life, and... I think that's it. I went to see Beauty and the Beast with Ash. It was so great. Lumiere was HILLARIOUS. Everyone should go see it.
Oh, I remember what else. I had a concert. It was okay. Barter was lovely. The Chinese songs were okay; we didn't do my favorite ones. I cleaned my room and got a new bookshelf, so me room looks ship-shape, me hearties. In other words, it looks like a real room. I'll have to post a picture at some point in time, I think. You'll all marvel at how childish it looks (Not only is it themed, the theme is faeries. It's purple and yellow, and I also have two turtles and a bird. And stuffed animals all over the place. And a canopy.). Can you blame me for making it all little-kiddy? I mean, it's practically the room I always wanted when I was little. And I like it a lot, even though people always think it's Sweetheart's room (until they actually see her room, that is).
Edison has a "friend" as Ash calls her. After the concert on Saturday her parents (she's an only child) and our family went to a pizza place. Actually, our family minus Sweetheart, Baby and me. The former were at home with Pop. I was with Ash having coffee and a grilled cheese sandwich at a local diner. They brought me back to the pizza place for the last half hour or so. She and her parents thought my choir was great. I was really flattered, but as I told Ash on Monday "It was really great and all, but I was just like 'Yeah, I'm tired.'" I was tired. It was like, 10:30, and believe it or not, singing takes a lot out of you. Not to mention the stress. Of the concert, not of the dinner. The dinner was nice. Except they ate all the pizza. That pretty much stunk.


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