The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

My face hurts...

Don't even say it.
The reason why my face hurts is ZITS! Breaking out all over the place. Don't even try to tell me that if I washed my face they'd go away. Not happening. I wash my face every night. They're still there.
On a happier note, I had Creative Writing classes today. Talk about fun! They were fairly swimming with briligness. Something about those slivey toves. Anyway, I shared my "scenes" with the class, and I also gave Deb a chapter of my own design to look over. Unfortunately I didn't have time to fix most of the things Mom told me, so Deb'll prolly think it's awful. Oh well. She knows about my writing anyway. The other people in CW are really nice, too. They both can't stand Beverly Lewis (an author). She writes about the Amish, but according to Rene (who is Mennonite) and Rose (who is Amish) the books couldn't be more ignorantly written if they tried.
I also had piano today. I told the teacher that I decided to practice When She Loved Me from Toy Story 2 instead of Laudi since Laudi is mostly chords and I'm not actually reading the music anyway. I played the first part for her (left hand and melody, I didn't play the right hand part) and she was very pleased. After I was done she told me I was very surprising and that I was doing really well. I should hope so. I've been practicing the song every chance I get for the entire week! That's actually a lot.
I'd better be heading off, though. I still have to draw (Oh bane of my existence. My art looks like... Nothing.) and Mom wants me to feed the chicks. The chicks smell. In case you were wondering.


Blogger Hindsfeet said...

What I will tell you is to avoid all foods that contain corn syrup (and there are a surprising lot)... and wash your face with honey. My oldest daughter and my oldest nephew had their zits clear up within a week or two of eliminating corn syrup.

12:15 PM

Blogger Hindsfeet said...

Oh, and PS... I was raised mennonite and I agree about those books. They give an overly romantic viewpoint.

12:17 PM

Blogger Polka Dotted Pickles said...

I know what you mean about breaking out. I tried this herbal stuff called Loma Lux. It worked pretty good. But I think mostly it just takes time to grow out of it. Sorry. :<(

I sorta like those Beverly Lewis books. I didn't think that the families were really that "mean". So, it's good to know they were not accurate.

3:55 PM


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