Stolen from Ash
Don't change your top 4.
Fill the people in below.
Answer the questions truthfully.
1. Ash
2. Dulcea
3. Aragorn
4. Emma
Have you ever done anything illegal with 4? Not that I'm aware of. Her mom did tell me to put that evil doll head in the donation basket, though.
Have you ever kissed 1? No. I don't usually kiss girls. Or anyone, for that matter.
Have you ever hung out with 3? Basically from September on, yeah.
Have you ever hugged number 2? Maybe? I think so.
Have you ever gotten drunk/high with 3? *cough* No. Why would you think that?
Have you ever played a sport with 4? I'm not sure. I don't think I have. Oh, wait. Extreme frisbee. And square dancing. Speech is kind of a sport. Volleyball. There ya go.
Have you ever had an inside joke with 2? Several. Kind of.
Have you ever had a crush on 1? Oh, totally. Because I am SUCH a lesbian.
Have you ever gone shopping with 2? No.
Have you ever had a class with 3? Yes. Has she ever payed attention during a class? I think not.
Have you ever seen 4 in a swimsuit? No. But I have seen her in a pool.
Have you ever hurt 2's feelings? If so, it was an accident, because she's totally the nicest.
Has 1 ever hurt your feelings? Not that I can think of.
Have you ever ridden in a car with 2? No.
Have you ever dated someone in your top 4? Yeah, remember? I SO had a crush on Ash.
Have you ever traveled anywhere with 2? Not with her, persay. We've been all over Ohio at the same time, though.
Have you met 1's family? Yes. And they don't scare me. Well, except for her brothers. They're scary.
Have you ever eaten anything in front of 1? Yes. I've known her for forever. Duh. Things have even come out my nose in front of her.
Have you ever hated 4? No, but I've been jealous of her.
Have you ever fought 2? We competed against each other, but I wanted her to win.
Has 3 ever seen you do something embarassing? Try just about every time I'm with her.
Has 2 ever given you a present? Her company.
Have you ever seen anyone in your top 4 cry? Yes.
Has anyone in your top 4 seen you cry? Totally.
Have you ever played on a sports team with anyone on your top 4? No.