The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Cool as a cucumber. Except for the cool part.

Tomorrow is the beginning of my new life.
Um, okay, edit that.
Tomorrow is the beginning of a great adventure in my life.
Edit again.
Tomorrow is the beginning of a small, but hopefully very enjoyable, episode in my old, unadventurous life that I probably got from wal*mart that probably came without batteries.

Yep, that's about right.

I'm going to Kat's house to go to a retreat with her. It sounds like a lot of fun. I get to wear my boots, my hoodie, my favorite jears, and either my Newsboys t-shirt, or my 6 long sleeve shirt. Also with pigtails. Also with red hair. Also with monkey socks. Also with bright red toenails. All of my favorite clothes. How could the day go wrong?
Let's just pretend I didn't ask that question, shall we?
Today was a rather laze-about-day. I didn't really do anything (other than take a shower, finish Chronicles of the Chrestomanci, and wrap Baby's presents) and I kind of feel bad, but there really wasn't an incredible amount of work to do. I ate salad mostly. The new staple of my diet. Cucumbers, dill dip, and salad. Tasty.
Don't get me wrong, I eat other things, too. But those are my favorite. If I were a food, I think I'd be a cucumber. They're kind of bland, but clean tasting, pretty healthy, overall pleasant, and good for dipping.
Okay, I'm not good for dipping, even if I knew what that meant. But I think the rest is pretty true. I feel a kinship with my cucumbers.
Not the ones we have right now. They're kind of weird. Long and skinny and really hard to peel. Dad got the wrong kind.
Even my body spray is cucumber melon. I didn't even buy it. Grandma got it for my. I guess I'm a cucumber sort of person.
I hope there aren't any more spiders around. Oh. Wait. There's a one eyed monster attacking my from the ficus tree! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Nothing nicer

I really don't think there's anything nicer than typing on your blog with your little sister jabbbering to you while sitting on your lap.
Okay, maybe there are a few things nicer than that *coughkissedbyJeremySumptercough* but it's definately in the top five, at least. And she's even got a kitty cat face (courtesy of me and eye liner). Besides that, watching Little House on the Prairie always makes me feel good. No matter how badly things are going, Pa will save the day, and there's always a chance that:
a) Laura will punch/push Nellie Oleson,
b) Pa/Mr. Edwards/Mr. Hanson/Doc will say something funny,
c) Nellie and Willie will get poison ivy, or
d) Mrs. Oleson will throw eggs at Mr. Oleson.
One thing is for sure, Carrie will fall down during the opening credits no matter what. If Baby is watching, she will say "Fa down!"
Cookie bars are very good. Mom made some today, and I ate some today. There is (luckily for me) no meat in cookies.
Other than that, nothing was really out of the ordinary today. I went to the library with Pop, and got a buncha books. I finished reading Ninth Key by Jenny Carroll (aka Meg Cabot) and started Chronicles of the Crestomanci (I think that's how you spell it) by Diana Wynne Jones and Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card.
I suprise myself at how good I am at remembering authors names, sometimes. I made a list of the books I read this month, and only forgot one first name and one last name. There were 26 books on the list (which Mom will probably be posting soon).

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Heroes an' villians an' heroes an' cows an' stuff.

Edison and I were talking about Home on the Range (which I really didn't like very much) and how we liked one song that got cut from the movie better than the theme song of the movie. We figured that they cut it because Home on the Range sounds better than Heroes and Villians and Cows. I kind of like the second one better.
Finally, latkes=very yes.

Well, shoot then.

All my devoted fans
1234 Any St.
Anytown, AW

Dear you,

Let me start out by saying how very sorry I am that I failed so miserably at posting yesterday and Sunday. I'm dreadfully sorry about any inconvenience that I may or may not have caused.


Squigle squigle

(Bard, CEO of the world)

Anyway, yesterday Mrs. Jay worked us to the bone. The keyboard didn't work for a while, so we kind of had to guess the pitch. Not so fun. She also moved me to Alto 1 for one song, and Alto 2 for another. I am currently singing songs in three different parts, not counting the one song where we sing in two different choirs (making me Soprano 2, choir 1 in that particular arrangement). Songs I like:
Barter, words by Sara Teasdale,
How Can I Keep From Singing,
Flower, but Not Flower (Chinese folk song),
Pueri something I forgot.
Ash liked my hair (at which I was slightly surprised) and Hanna did too. TU, however, wasn't there. I highly doubt he would have noticed if he had been there. Either that, or he just wouldn't have acknowledged it at all. Which basically has the same effect on my (thinking he didn't notice). Kat's going to straighten it when I go over there, so he will probably notice it being straight, rather than Mia-like (from Princess Diaries).
I rather think...
I don't know what I think, so nevermind.
So, you should definitely go watch Bugs Bunny now.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

There goes my brain...

I spent a large portion of today watching movies with Baby. I was home alone with her, and the only thing we both wanted (and were able) to do was watch Little House on the Prairie.
Good news, I got through the first season (finally!).
Bad news, I feel like a lazy slob.
Really, though. I couldn't clean up anything while keeping an eye on her, and I had to make sure she was perfectly all right all the time.
Now I'm tiredddddddddddddddddddd.
My ear hurts a little, too. But I think that's just me, being crazy again.
Mom got some books from the library for me. I got 1984, George Orwell (I was going to save it for next month's classic, but couldn't wait), Heir Apparent, Vivian Vande Velde (my favorite book of all time), The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, Terry Pratchet, Brian's Return (which I already finished), Gary Paulsen, and a biography about... I forget her name. I also haven't finished The Two Towers yet, but I'm a little over halfway done. Pippin is my true love.
No, really. I even named our cat after him. (Don't think I can't see you rolling your eyes at me, Tal. Pippin is WAY cooler than anyone, except maybe Sam and/or Gandalf.)
Oh, I forgot. We didn't go to the party today, because it was too snowy to go very far away. It took Mom and Dad about half the day to run some errands nearby. Luckily, no one was killed in the unfortunate incident.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Re-ed and gold decorations, on Bardy's hairy head

I got my hair dyed! Woot! Mom hasn't uploaded the pictures yet, but as soon as she does, you will see the wonderfulness that is my head.
And I've really gotta pee. I gotta pee, I really gotta pee.
Ahem. Did I mention I have a cough? Also, I'm going to Kat's house next Friday until Monday, then I'm going to Tal's. Tomorrow I'm going to Erin's (the little girl who's living at the cabin) birthday party. I'm helping her mom out, since all the grown-ups are going to leave while the kids put together a play for them. The launch of my directing career.
Pop's friend came over today, but since I was in my room the duration of the visit, I only saw him for 2 seconds, right before he left. I've also been listening to The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkein while I cross stitch. It's a bit tedious in places, but over all good.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Supersize me, and I'll go throw up

I'm a vegitarian. I just decided for sure, even though I've been seriously considering it for a while. Except for maybe shrimp. Anyway, the straw that broke my back was Supersize Me, that documentary. I'm also going to go back to taking walks with Mom. We stopped during the holiday season because neither of us were ever home, but no more of that. If I keep at my new health regime, I may finally graduate from cute to possibly slightly hot. Which could possibly attract certain people who's initials might be TU. Which is always good.
*snorts* Who am I kidding?
Speaking of TU, Blue, who lives down at the cabin, knows him. She said she went to a wedding or something, and saw his grandparents there, and they were talking about the choir, and she mentioned me. I don't know if she talked to him, or just his grandparents. If I ever decide to strike up a conversation with him, I could possibly mention this. Chances of that happening: zilch. Because I'm a loser. A quirky lovable loser, maybe. Still a loser.

Monday, January 17, 2005

One and two and three and four and on into eternity...

Here's what SUCKS: Count singing. SOO confusing, and it's not like we really need to do it. Yeah, I got back from choir, and I do not like to count sing. We spent 20 minutes on one song. "One and two and three and one and 27 and a half divided by 3." Spinning away from reality go I. The piece we worked on was made so we would split into two choirs to work on our parts, so while the other choir worked on their part, I imagined what would have happened if I'd have said hi to a really old acquaintance about three weeks ago. Vaguely followed along in music, but eventually just stared off into the distance waiting for the magic words. Either "Choir one Soprano two, put away your music," or "fire." Any of those would have worked. Oh, yeah, and anything TU said. Not that he said anything to me, or anything. Not like he ever has.
Come to think of it, he probably hasn't said more than 5 words to me at a time for the whole time I've known him (2 years). And around Christmas and various other times I even carpool with him. I even sat next to him in choir for a concert. He talked to Leah and Aly, and they weren't even right next to him.
Well, Leigh was, but that's peripheral.
Actually, I'm peripheral.
That's depressing.
On a happier note, I told Ash that I was going to change my personality and be more cool, and she said that cool people were boring, and if I did that she'd never speak to me again. She was mostly kidding about the not speaking part. She said that if I tried to be cool, I would lose all my quirkyness. I didn't know that I was quirky. I thought I was just demented. Huh.
So, is quirky good or not? Because I like some things about me, but mostly no. Mostly I wish I were someone else. But I do like being morbid, and slaughtering English even though I know the rules, and talking about pirates, and laughing a lot.
Okay, I wish I had a better laugh, but I don't mind how often I laugh, anymore. I just wish I were more... I wish I had more pizazz. And I wish I knew if that's the way to spell pizazz.
You know, if I had a cool accent, none of this would even be a problem.
I finished reading:
To Kill a Mockingbird (Wicked awesome, thanks Emmo.)
The Slippery Slope, Lemony Snicket (Funny and morbid, just my style.)
Speak, don't remember at the moment (Read it. Now. Really good, and thought provoking.)
Hatchet, Gary Paulsen (Haven't read this book since 5th grade, maybe even 3rd. It was pretty good.)
Castle in the Air (Diana Wynne Jones, how can you go wrong?)
I'm currently listening to The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchet, and reading The Purple Emperor by Herbie Brennan.
Tune in next time for more of me, if you think you can handle it. I know I can't.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Here we are, this is me...

I can't think of anything that happened to me, other than that I was at Kat's and Ash's houses. I saw PD 2, and had mixed feelings, which I'll get into later. Right now I'm too tired. Also, I went to J.C. Penny (or whatever) and was disgusted about the clothing (or lack thereof). I'm SO going to write a angry letter.
Oh, and also, I saw Finding Neverland, so Tal is safe for the time being.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Oh phooey.

Hair dying must wait. Blahgarp. The hair place is booked until next week, I think. Ash's still get a chance to see it though, because I'll see her on Mondays.
I did about a ton of my cross stitch last night, didn't fall asleep until 5:00 AM. I finished listening to all of my audio tapes a half hour ago, so I'll just listen to the Cat Who again. It's more backgroundy than anything else, even though I process it.
I tried to wake up at 9:00, and I honestly don't even remember laying back down and going to sleep again. I remember the alarm waking me up, and thinking it was Kat, for some reason. I think the strangest things in the morning. Sometimes it'll be 3:00 (if I'm not awake already) and I'll remember that I forgot to do something, jump up and do it in about a half second, and go right back to sleep. I'm the oddest person I know (excluding Dahee, who is stranger by far).
My eyes hurt, and so does my head, but at least I'm not dizzy, which is good.
Mom and I had a laugh fest earlier. We laughed at everything. It was fun. I told her that I was the bomb squad, and I needed to give her a bomb in meat sauce. Twas great fun.

Monday, January 10, 2005

The PT cruiser drove by...

Today I've been feeling kind of dizzy, but despite that, I went to the mall with Nita. My mom was driving her parents (I don't remember if I told you that she's Amish) and while they were in a meeting, Nita and I and Mom went to the mall. My largest purchase was some gum from a gumball machine, because I'm poor like that. Also, while we were in line, this couple walked by kissing. It was kind of odd. They were walking and kissing at the same time. I'm not sure why. Nita and I (after they went past) started laughing. While we were in the parking lot she saw about 20 slub bugs, and kept punching me. Mom told her that she was pretty violent for a pacifist. Nita just tried to tell me that there was a PT cruiser that went by, but she kept laughing and never did finish what she was going to say.
We went into some dollar store for a while. It was kind of cheap stuff, but we amused ourselves by pointing at random stuff and saying "That's your twin." We also went to some other store, and Mom showed me a beanie baby that was supposed to be Garfield's teddy, Pookie, and it took forever for it to register in my mind what she was showing me. I'm still tired, because I actually didn't go to sleep last night until 4:30, and about an hour of that was just me laying there, trying to sleep, not doing anything. Not that I got up early, or anything. I shouldn't be tired, but I guess no one told my body that. Or at least my eyelids. The sad thing is, no matter how tired I am right now, as soon as I get in bed nothing will make me sleep. Nothing.
Today's daily buzzword from Webster's is incorrigible, which Sil knows is my special word. She gave it to me. Or whatever.
Apparently Sweetheart's baby looks a lot like her cat, Pippin. Also, she doesn't much like the stroller.
Besides that, Baby keeps walking up to me and giving me weird looks, then running away when I say anything to her. Baby also thinks her name is either Good, Santa Claus, or Frosty the Snowman. Most often Frosty. When I was little I said my name was Nicholas. Insisted my name was Nicholas, actually. I wouldn't even answer to anything else. I guess I was incorrigible even then.
My eyelids are the droopiest thing I've ever seen. Or felt. Whatever. I'm going to go to bed now. But probably not to sleep.
Wasn't there some song in Chitty-chitty Bang Bang about lullaby shores, or something?

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Goin' on a treasure hunt, gonna get a big one...

Today we went Geocaching. Basically, you go to a website (I've forgotten the link, I'll post it later) and look up these things near you. They give you the GPS coordinates, and you get to look for the treasure. It's usually a small box filled with coins, paperclips, and rubber balls. You leave a note after you find the box, and if you want, take one thing and leave one thing. It's mostly fun to read the log book and see who's been there. We left our own geocache someplace, but I won't tell you where. Ha ha.
I think Monet stretched my middle finger when he smashed it. It's much longer than my other one now (well, considering how tall fingers are), and there's no more swelling. The fingernail has yet to come off, although Sweetheart nearly ripped it off when she hit me with a blanket that got caught on in. Talk about pain.
libraries are wonderful. I borrowed a bunch of books that I've wanted to read for a while. I was going to pay off my card, but Pop wouldn't let me. He told me to just use his. Good thing I don't lose things, or he'd hold it over me for the rest of my life. The fines on my card aren't even from me. (Note to Sil: I read a Terry Pratchet book! Wee Free Men. Twas brillig. Simply smashing.)
So, Tal saw Finding Neverland, for which he will DIE because I really wanted to see that movie, being the Peter Pan freak that I am (and no, not just because of Jeremy Sumpter, I was a Peter Pan freak before that.), I had to see it. Besides that, it looked like a good movie, and Johnny Depp is pretty good (though NOT hot at all), and I'm interested in J.M. Barrie. So Tal will either die, or not because he's cool. But if he sees one more movie that I want to see (he's seen three already) that's it for him.
After I give him his Christmas present that is. I worked hard on it, and he has to at least SEE it before I kill him.
I'm way sleepy. Maybe I'll actually fall asleep before 4:00 tonight. I haven't been able to for about a week. *sigh* Curse insomnia. At least I have cross-stitching and good books. I got Castle in the Air by Diana Wynne Jones from the library. Squee! I love her books (except Dogsbody, which I didn't really care for, although the idea was interesting, and I liked the girl, Kathleen, I think. Just Sirius was kind of 2D, and blandish. He was the MC. But this is the sequel to Howl's Moving Castle, so how can it go wrong.
Speaking of that, does anyone know if there really is/is-going-to-be a cartoon of Howl's Moving Castle? If so, is it out yet? I heard something on Sheroes, but other than that, nothing.
It's time for me to go to the land of Nod, now.
Oh, I almost forgot. Since I can't go to Bob, I'm going to post this here, and hope that Sil or someone reads it. Whoever does, post it in Bob, please?
Mom said that there was this commercial at the movies for Barq's Root Beer. This psychic guy was trying to figure out what this normal guy was going to say. As the normal guy was leaving, the psychic guy was guessing if he was wearing boxers or briefs. First he said "Boxers!" like he was sure. Then briefs.
"Thong?" Then, as if that weren't enough for you guys, he actually said it.
I nearly split my sides laughing when mom told me. I want to see it.
Parting question, what is a really good book to read? I need to read some quality books.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Crazy, crazy Bard, always doin' stuff

Today I made my list, and I'm going to do it all. I think.
Read and laugh

Today I worked on Kat's Christmas presant. It's almost done, and I'm not seeing her until the 13th anyway. I hope she likes it.
I've also got a zit on the inside of my nose that hurts like crazy. It looks funny, too. Today we gave Baby Monet's LotR toy sword, and told her to say "Death and Doom" while swinging it around. She did, then said "Prairie? Sissy, Prairie?" That means she wants to watch Little House on the Prairie.
Edison and I made the coolest thing ever. We took this square pillow thing with a face, strapped it to Edison's head, covered him with a blanket, leaving the pillow showing, and gave him an electric candle to hold below it. We made it look really creepy, then turned off the lights. Monet, Sweetheart and I held a sheet over it, then told Mom to come up. Right before that, Edison said that it needed a name, so I scambled to think of something as Mom walked in. I ended up with Umar (middle name of someone in Dragon in the Waters, by Madeline L'Engle). I introduced Monet as Umar's servant (he had a peice of cloth draped over his head) and the Princess (who Sweetheart insisted on dressing up as), and we dropped the sheet. Edison (from under the blanket) asked her to ask yes or no questions even though he wasn't supposed to talk, I was supposed to tell her. She asked him some stuff, then asked him if he was ready for dinner. He nodded, then threw everything off of himself, and jumped forward yelling. Mom wasn't scared, and I wasn't either because I figured he'd do that, but Sweetheart jumped about 20 feet off the bed. Monet wasn't paying any attention. It was pretty fun.
I guess I'm off to do some cross stitching now.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

*nervous laugh*

So, I think I'm dead.
I just started this counted cross stitch project that's going to look really awsome.

If I ever manage to finish it, that is.

So, be praying for my life, because if I don't finish it, my mother is going to kill me. And I really plan on finishing it, and I really want to do it, but it's going to take a while.
Thank goodness I never sleep anyway.
So, my life is pretty the same as always, as always. I watched Little House on the Prarie with Baby last night, while Mom and Dad were alseep. I usually babysit her when she took a long nap. Hopefully I won't have to tonight, I want to work on said project.
Pop got the van stuck in the mud because he's slightly insane. I'm not quite sure what was going on, but it sounded like he told Edison to dangle the trash bags out the window, and he dropped them, and the car flipped over, or something. Okay, the car didn't flip over, but it did get stuck.
Oh, and great news. There's possibly (likely) going to be another huge ice storm, and I will probably lose power again, and that's it for me. No power means lights, no puter, and no Prairie.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

So guess what!

My bestest RL friend in the whole widest world* (Tal) finally got a BLOG!
So now you must all read it, and be very happy. Eat, drink and be merry.
Merry and Pippin.
I love Pippin.
Oh, yeah, the link. Here we go, then.

**Note to people, you're all my bestest friends, too. Just Tal is my current one, because he did what I wanted him to. *grins*

Monday, January 03, 2005

Stuff that I wrote whilst at Ash's

"I've recently come to the conclusion that everyone under the age of say, 20 are pyromaniacs. Myself included. Just about every kid loves to play with fire. Think back to when you were little. How many times did your parents have to tell you "Get away from the fire?" Of course, if you were like me, you probably just learned to do it in secret. Come to think of it there are a lot of things that are really stupid (because they are dangerous) that are also really fun to do. Like dropping things from high places. Or jumping from high places. I have done neither, but they both sound appealing for some reason. Jumping from a high place is impossible though. It would most likely end in my death, which isn't jolly."
December 6th, early afternoon. Ash's school.

"I'm really tired, and I've finished all of my work. Plus, my stomach is growling a lot, and I'm not even hungry. I don't want to see what time it is. It's probably only 10:00, with my luck. I'm afraid to look. Gah. ...
On a side note, my handwriting with my left hand is awful. Not that I decided to improve it, or anything.
Here's a hypothetical question. If I had, would you laugh?
Dude, my eyes are shutting on their own... Consider it clinically proven that it's unhealthy to get up before 7:00.
Oh, gosh, it's only 10:52. I'm so dead. ...

11:30, and I'm going to die. Yep, Dead, that's me. Also, my pencil is getting duller by the second, and I don't think I'm allowed to talk and ask Ash for another one.
The pencil has died. Alas, 11:35.

Call the pencil Lazarus. It lives. I'm gettting better at foursquare. I actually managed-
Screw calling the pencil Lazarus. Call it Benedict Arnold. And the sharpener is Brutus... How I long for a lap top. Either that or fingernail clippers. But whatever. Anyway, I've only ever actually gotten to the fourth square once...
1:18. I think we get out at three, but I don't remember. I always forget to check. It might be four. If so, I only have one word for you.
1:20. Mr. Arnold is off to see Mr. Brutus now...
1:45 and the life is dripping slowly from my bones. Goodbye world."
December 13th, Ash's school.

"Snowballs=very yes.

Foursquare=very yes.

Poe=very yes."
December 14th, Ash's school.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Here comes the whatever...

So, Mom did this, and either Emmo or Dahee did this or something like it. I guess it's my turn.
1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
Had my finger slammed in a door. And moved into a house, although technically that was Christmas, 2003, but oh well.

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Um, I never keep them. I forget. The past 60,000 years I've tried to stop fighting with my siblings and overhaul my personality into something more self-confident and interesting, but as anyone who knows me can tell you, neither of those things have happened.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Um, I don't think so...

4. Did anyone close to you die?

5. What countries did you visit?

6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
Either a boyfriend or a life. Yep.

7. What dates from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Feb. 14th, because my choir recorded our CD, and the entire month of December, for being so busy.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I don't really have one. I haven't done anything. Raised money for my choir trip, and almost finished Nanowrimo, but for an unfortunate accident.

9. What was your biggest failure?
To many things.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Are you kidding? My fingernail is hanging on by a thread! Other than that, I got really bad poisin ivy on my arm all Summer, had a bad cough in January, and impaled my foot on a plug a few days ago.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
My lava lamp. Oooh, pretty. Also, a couple Tamora Pierce books and my corkboard. And yarn.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Mom's. She's so cool. And Kat's, because she isn't obsessed with boys like she was a few years ago.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and disgusted?
A lot of times, Edison's. Also mine, sometimes.

14. Where did most of your money go?
China trip.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Trip to St Louis. Seeing Tal a couple of times. Opening Trickster's Queen.

16. What song will always remind you of 2004?
Invisible. That song is just plain CREEPY and I keep hearing it. Also This Love, and 1985, because they've been stuck in my head for most of it.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? I don't know. Sadder.
b) thinner or fatter? Fatter. Definately.
c) richer or poorer? Poorer.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Important things.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?

20. How will you be spending New Year's Eve?
Already did. Talked with Nita and watched Little House on the Prairie while we both rooted for Pa. Loudly. Shouting things at screens is fun.

21. Did you fall in love in 2004?
No. Heavily crushing. I thought I was in love in 2003, though.

22. How many one-night stands?
*snorts* What do YOU think.

23. What was your favorite TV program?
Drake and Josh. "I didn't say SAVE my butt! I said, uh, SHAVE my butt!"

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Nellie Oleson.

25. What was the best book you read?
I read so many! I can't choose.

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Some Queen songs, plus Swing, Swing. And the Flaming Lips.

27. What did you want and get?
Trickster's Queen, and a lava lamp. And not kissed by the stupid mistletoe polka, the bane of my existance. Plus, Newsboys/Rebecca St. James concert.

28. What did you want and not get?
Life. Visibility. Sanity.

29. What was your favorite film of this year?
Peter Pan. Pirates of the Carribean.

30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
14, went to a ballet with Kat and Ash, got a really cool lamp, and stayed up far too late.

31.What one thing would have made your year measurably more satisfying?
I mean, what?

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
Newsboys t-shirt and G pants. Plus beanies. And going to be dyed hair. And computer bleached face. Is that even possible?

33. What kept you sane?
Um, have you not noticed the unsaneness that is me? Barmy?

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Dude, Jeremy Sumpter. Orli is fruity.
Take that, Dahee.
Oh, and Michael Landon. Except for the whole being dead thing.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
The ones I understood. Most of them.

36. Who did you miss?
A girl who I haven't seen since I was 8.

37. Who was the best new person you met?
Krisbean. I didn't really meet her this year, but I started E-mailing her a lot this year.

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004.
Don't try to impress people, and don't worry about what they think so much. Actually, combo of 03 and 04.

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
You think I’d have it down by now
Been practicin’ for thirty years
I should have walked a thousand miles
So what am I still doin’ here
Reachin’ out for that same old piece of forbidden fruit
I slip and fall and I knock my halo loose
Somebody tell me what’s a boy supposed to do?

I get so clumsy
I get so foolish
I get so stupid
And then I feel so useless
But You’re sayin’ You love me
And You’re still gonna hold me
And that You wanna be near me
‘Cause You’re makin’ me holy
You’re still makin’ me holy, yeah

I’m gonna get it right this time
I’ll be strong and I’ll make You proud
I’ve prayed that prayer a thousand times
But the rooster crows and my tears roll down (again)
Then You remind me You made me from the dust
And I can never, no never, be good enough
And that You’re not gonna let that come between us

I get so clumsy
I get so foolish
I get so stupid
And then I feel so useless
But You’re sayin’ You love me
And You’re still gonna hold me
And that You wanna be near me
‘Cause You’re makin’ me holy
You’re still makin’ me holy, yeah

From where I stand
Your holiness is up so high I can never reach it
My only hope is to fall on Jesus

I get so clumsy
I get so foolish
I get so stupid
And then I feel so useless
But You’re sayin’ You love me
And You’re still gonna hold me
And that You wanna be near me
‘Cause You’re makin’ me holy
You’re still makin’ me holy, yeah


I think that the scariest thing that I've ever seen in my life is my great-grandma falling flat on her face.
She was okay, I think, but I was terrified for the five minutes before we kids found out. She didn't have to go to the hospital or anything. She tripped over Sweetheart's shoe (which I had just been about to move) and fell on her side. Probably the worst feeling in the world is watching something awful happen, and not being able to do anything about it. It was like it all happened slowly. I was the only one who actually saw her fall, Mom and Dad were standing about three feet away from where she fell, and since she tripped, they were closer than I was, even though she started out right next to me.
After a few hours, Mom and I went to the store with Baby and got some pizza. I wasn't really hungry, but as soon as I had one piece, I kind of was. I've been feeling unhungry lately. Also kind of fat, from candy and sweets and stuff. Blah.
Sweetheart just fell down, and now she crying a ton. As usual.
I have a throbbing headache. And I'm really tired.
By the way, note to Tal, I was going to call you, but I kind of went to g-g-parents, so I couldn't. Just saying that because I happened to remember just now.
I got a card for a girl in choir who had surgery. She's really nice, and funny too.
Edison and I actually managed to do something without him ticking me off. We taught Baby to sing "Can anybody find me somebody to love?" She actually says "Body meeeeeeeeeeee somebody a looooooooove!!" It's really cute.
I was listening to 100 years in the car on the way home (funny, because I was thinking of that song anyway, and it fit my mood) and started crying, for some reason. Not really crying, but kind of almost, where your eyes are all watery and stuff. Maybe it was because I was remembering how Magic grandpa was so worried about grandma, and taking care of her and stuff. Maybe because I'm going to be 15 in a month and a half. Maybe because I kind of want someone to be in love with me. Or maybe it was just a product of my sleep deprived mind. Who knows.
Geez, I'm getting teary just thinking about it. I'm such a loser.
A loser with a major headache.
And impossible New Year's resolutions. But that's nothing new anyway.
And I've only got 100 years to live. *sniffle*

Saturday, January 01, 2005


Yeah, I've been grounded off the computer. I'm still on probation (blog and E-mail), so for all you Bob and Sheroes people, I probably won't be posting on either for a little while.
Anyway, nothing has really been happening to me lately. Other than the usual holiday stuff. On the 12th I'm getting my hair dyed for the first time (even though Ash doesn't want me to), so I'll probably post a picture of that soon. 13th I get to do an all night scrapbook thing at Kat's house, then the 15th is choir. Sometime this month I'm doing some campy thing with Kat, and then Baby's birthday. Which I don't remember the date. 28th, I think.
For Christmas, I got:
Dragonology (a really awesome picture book from my grandparents.),
Trickster's Queen (SQUEE! Finished it!),
Tinkerbell purse,
Tinkerbell pajama pants,
chocolate covered cherries,
wood carving of an angel that matches my room colors (g-parents),
scarf (from Ash),
Teddy bear (from my friend Kiki. She, Ash, and Jill (among others) all say that I look like a Teddy bear.),
candle (also from Ash),
Season 1 and 2 of Little House on the Prairie (because Pa is hot),
bath set (Ash's g-parents).
There might be some other stuff, but that's the main things. Kat hasn't given me her presents yet. I would tell you what I got Ash and Kat, but Tal got the same thing, and he actually reads this. So :p to Tal. Ha ha.
Whilst I lived at Ash's house, I went to her school. It was weird. I'd never been to school before, and this was a learn-at-your-own-pace school. It was all workbook stuff at a blocked off desk. I brought some books and stuff, besides my workbooks, which only take a little while. I finished a book of short stories by Poe. One of them was really creepy, but I liked em anyway. Just now I'm afraid to go up to my room in the middle of the night, especially with a candle. Thank goodness my room isn't black with red windows, or I'd have died by now.
I wrote a bunch of stuff to put on here, but I can't find the darn notebook now.
I've decided that saying crap is unoriginal, so I'm thinking of some other exclamation to expostulate.
Ha. No idea what, though.
How come everytime I tell someone my chosen proffesion is Reformer of the Entertainment Industry they laugh, and say "good luck?" That's happened to me 5 times already. Geez. You'd think people have more faith in my abilities. Just because I can't really do anything NOW doesn't mean I never will be able to. Besides that, I think I'd be a good director, at least. And actress.
By the way, people keep telling me it's politically incorrect to say actress. How lame is that? You don't call at woman who's husband died a widower, do you? Or a waiter a waitress. That would probably make the person upset. I don't get it. Lameo. Cheeseball behavior.