The disconnected, confused, disjointed, incoherent, random, unplanned, bewildering, jumbled, topsy-turvy, confounding, obscure, inexplicable, mysterious, paradoxical, perplexing, knotty, meandering, unintelligible, digressive, exuberant, lavish, irregular Ramblings of Me, Bard.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I am just SICK

Don't you feel so sorry for me? I have a cold. I didn't even go out in the rain, or go to bed with my hair wet. I just lived.
*sniffle* This morning I was just going to stay in bed, but I decided that I would get up because I felt guilty. But I still feel bad.
I started writing an essay about the pros and cons of homeschooling, and I also finished Howl's Moving Castle, by Diana Wynne Jones. She's one of my favorite authors. I've read the book several times already, but it's still good.
I found out that I'm going to my other best friend's, Kat's, house on Thursday. I think it was Thursday. Then on Monday I'm going to Tal's. I will attempt to convince him that he is completely and totally wrong about Harry and Hermione.
He's still cool, though. He has the guts to disagree with me.
I also watched the movie Get a Clue, based on the book The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. It did not live up to my expectations. It was a rather cheap movie, in my opinion. The book was so good, too. I'm in mourning for the book.
I think I'm going to be a director when I'm older. I think I'd be good. Besides, I'd be able to save books. It's practically my calling.
Bard, the Book Crusader.
Hmm, that has a nice ring to it.
We're going to a Halloween party on Friday. We're all dressing up as characters from Peter Pan. I'm going as Peter Pan. Because who else would I be? Wendy is a bit of a wimp, besides, Sweetheart wanted to be Wendy.
Edison is going to be Smee, Dad is going to be Hook, Mom is going to be Tiger Lilly, Monet is going to be Michael, Sweetheart is going to be Wendy, and Baby is going to be Tinkerbell.
We were thinking about going as the Peanuts (in which case I would be Shroeder, and Monet Linus, but that was all we figured out), or Homestarrunner people (I woud be Strongbad), but decided Peter Pan was better.
I just have to work on my costume.
Now, if Jeremy Sumpter went as Peter Pan, I'd be really happy. :-P

Monday, October 25, 2004

Tal, you're WRONG

On Sunday, a had a long talk with one of my best friends, Tal. We talked for about two hours, and would have gone on, but Mom said "We only have so many long-distance minutes! It's time to get off."
We talked about tons of stuff. Lord of the Rings (LotR), Harry Potter (hp), And Eragon, among other books. We really on disagree about a few things.
But he's SO WRONG this time. Harry Potter is NOT ending up with Hemione Granger. It's impossible.
We did agree that we can't wait for Eragon the movie to come out. He said that he and a bunch of other people online thought that Jeremy Sumpter would be a good Eragon.
If he does play him, I'm definately going to see it. And drool. And drool.
When I told Tal that if Jeremy was Eragon, I was going to play the Elf that everyone thinks he's in love with. Tal said "That's... interesting. I don't think they'd let you do that, Bard."
Of course they will. I'm going to blackmail Hollywood if I have to.
Other than that, yesterday was boring. We watched Brother Bear, which was okay, as cartoons go. It had Bob and Doug I-forget-last-name. I just call them the Hoseheads.
They're really funny. I laugh my head off every time I hear them.
Today was choir practice. Nothing really happened. We spent FOREVER on one song, and then it just clicked, so that was good.
Mrs. Jay, my director, talked about our concert a little bit. She asked what we thought, and we commented on a couple things (blending, the other choir, vowels, ETC).
Nani, one of the girls in my choir, said "I'm a loser, but I cried when we sang 'We stand together old and young' because it was so pretty. I mean, it was us, and the ol- The grown-ups. It was really pretty."
We all had to laugh.
Mrs. Jay mentioned me (I hate being singled out, sometimes. Everyone looks at me, and it makes me nervous.). She said that we were all so dedicated, and I spent most my life driving to choir. I live an hour away. Mom probably already mentioned that in her blog.
I think that's it.
P.S. Notice, I didn't mention the Unknown. Except now. That doesn't count.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

"Edison, I'm going to sit on you."

I survived.
Well, obviously. Because if I'm posting, I can't be dead. I'm pretty sure there's no blogger in Heaven.
The birthday party was okay. It was most amusing when all the little boys ran upstairs at the same time, shouting "Geckos! Geckos!" Geckos are the only thing I know that can make a bunch of second-third graders all go to the same place, and only being told once.
Unfortunately, I still have a crush on the Unnamed. Unfortunate, because
A) He already has a girlfriend,
B) I'm sitting next to him, and he hardly acknowledges my existence.
Granted, I'm trying not to pay too much attention to him. Because with my luck, he'll hypnotize me, or something, and I'll blurt out that I like him.
Not a cool thing to do.
But that will be my last post EVER where I mention him. Because I'm trying get rid of crushes (Other than Jeremy Sumpter, which is pretty harmless), and he's the only one I have.
So, the concert went well. I could actually SEE the director, which is a step in the right direction. I think I had a lot of emotion showing on my face, and I didn't mess up that often.
A bunch of people came up to me afterwards, and said how great our choir was. Which was pretty cool.
We actually made our choir manager cry.
*evil grin*
After I got done, and got into the car, I saw that Edison (or whatever he wants Mom to call him. I've forgotten) was sitting right square in the way. So, I stated the obvious.
"Edison, I'm going to sit on you."
Everyone laughed, and Mom said "Well, I guess we were all wrong."
Leaving me, as usual, bewildered.
"What are you talking about?"
"We were all guessing what the first thing you'd say was. We thought you would say 'Good.'"
I paused.
"Why would I get in the car, and just be like, 'Good!' That doesn't make any sense."
"I thought we would say 'How was the concert, Bard?' and you would say 'Good.'"
Oh, right. Carry on, then. Go about your buisness. Nothing to see here. Move along, move along.

Discovered (of course)

I knew posting that I had a crush on someone was a bad idea.
Of course my own MOTHER would figure it out.
Well, if anyone else thinks they could ever figure it out, they're wrong. Because none of my friends are ever going to find out that I even HAVE a blog.
Not that anyone other than my mother reads or will read this anyway. Because it's not like I'm famous (she says with a sigh of regret), or really profound.
You know what word I always get mixed up with profound? Profane. I used to think they were synonyms. I also thought my brother had a finger growing out of the back of his head.
I was a very confused child, to say the least.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there's a birthday party for one of Monet's friends today, and I think I'm attending.
We're going to have buckets of fun, I'm sure.

Friday, October 22, 2004


"The time has come," I said, "to talk of many things."
Like Flash cartoons. If you surf the net, I'm sure you've seen a couple of them. Well, I just watched one of the funniest ones that I've ever seen (Ranking right up there with Potter Puppet Pals, which I'll talk about in a minute.)
It's called "One Ring to Rule Them All," and it's based on the Lord of the Rings movies (I say movies, because there are several references to the movies (directors, script changes, ETC), rather than the books).
The Old version
Just the Flash cartoon.
The Special Edition
Old Flash cartoon, Remastered cartoon, mockumentary, and trailer.
The Sequel
Um, I think the title says it all.

As I mentioned before, the funniest cartoon in the world is Potter Puppet Pals, Bothering Snape and it's sequel, Trouble at Hogwarts
Just watch them.

And, finally, It's a whole website filled with hillariously funny cartoons.

Concert (which slowly changes into laptops and internet connections)

Gub. (Why do you say Gub? you ask. I don't know. It seemed to fit.)
I've got a concert tomorrow. It's going to be okay, I guess. Except for the whole "half of the time not being able to see the director what with people moving and the director finding it necessary to move farther and farther to the right making it impossible for me to see anything but an occasional glance of a) the tip of his head or b) a flash of white signifying his baton (I assume, since I can't really see for sure)."
*gasp for breath*
Other than that, I think it'll be fine.
Oh, and a certain other thing that I happen to be sitting near, who's name I won't divulge, because my mom will read this and want to know who, exactly, I have a crush on.
In fact, just saying that is probably too much already.
Not that I'm hiding anything. I just don't like having crushes.
Besides, he might read this. Somehow. Even if he did, how would he know it's me? (Considering I don't think he knows really who I am. My name, yeah, but we don't ever talk. For obvious reasons.)
Why am I publishing this on the World Wide Web? Because I feel like it. And I haven't told anyone, and it's about to make my head spontainously combust (although it wouldn't be spontanious, because it's caused by something), or cause me to lose what little sanity I still claim to be my own.
Which is really only enough to make adults think I have a good head on my shoulders. If they are only around for a little while.
And I only do that so any fomer babysitters of mine might hear about how I've changed since they knew me.
I really have. I was just plain evil when I was little. Now I'm slightly...
Well, I think you've probably figured that out by now.
Babysitters, I promise I've changed. I haven't locked anyone in a bathroom for years. Or screamed. Or thrown anything. I'm really quite timid, Just give me a laptop and some food, and I'm happy.
I don't even really need the food. Or a laptop, even. Just something with an internet connection hooked up. And sound, for when I want to watch Potter Puppet Pals, or some other toon. Just forgive me.

A blog by any other name would still stink

Hi, I'm Bard. I'm a 14 year old girl, and...
Gosh, this is boring.
I'm going to skip the intro, if you don't mind. You'll probably figure everything out, anyway.
Well, hopefully not everything. I mean, I want to be a little bit mysterious.
Yeah, right.
So, I started this Blog because I wanted someplace to just write out stuff (I have journals, but I have awful handwriting, and it cramps my hand, I'm a faster typer (typist?)) but no one will know who I am.


So, the reason for my Blog name... Well, it was originally going to be "Ramblings of an Insane Writer" but I changed it, because
1) It was too long.
2) I'm not legally insane (my parents have tried many times to prove otherwise, so they could be rid of me :-P), and I didn't want anyone to think I was actually crazy.
3) It didn't sound right.
So I looked up synonyms for insane, and came up with:
barm·y (bärm)adj. barm·i·er, barm·i·est
Full of barm; foamy.
Eccentric; daft.
In case anyone cares, barm is the foamy stuff on top of beer.
Another point for Barmy, is that it's one of those cool British words for crazy. Like "mad" or "crackers" or "gone round the twist."
I'm mad! Simply mad!
So, that's a brief history for my blog name.