I am just SICK
Don't you feel so sorry for me? I have a cold. I didn't even go out in the rain, or go to bed with my hair wet. I just lived.
*sniffle* This morning I was just going to stay in bed, but I decided that I would get up because I felt guilty. But I still feel bad.
I started writing an essay about the pros and cons of homeschooling, and I also finished Howl's Moving Castle, by Diana Wynne Jones. She's one of my favorite authors. I've read the book several times already, but it's still good.
I found out that I'm going to my other best friend's, Kat's, house on Thursday. I think it was Thursday. Then on Monday I'm going to Tal's. I will attempt to convince him that he is completely and totally wrong about Harry and Hermione.
He's still cool, though. He has the guts to disagree with me.
I also watched the movie Get a Clue, based on the book The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. It did not live up to my expectations. It was a rather cheap movie, in my opinion. The book was so good, too. I'm in mourning for the book.
I think I'm going to be a director when I'm older. I think I'd be good. Besides, I'd be able to save books. It's practically my calling.
Bard, the Book Crusader.
Hmm, that has a nice ring to it.
We're going to a Halloween party on Friday. We're all dressing up as characters from Peter Pan. I'm going as Peter Pan. Because who else would I be? Wendy is a bit of a wimp, besides, Sweetheart wanted to be Wendy.
Edison is going to be Smee, Dad is going to be Hook, Mom is going to be Tiger Lilly, Monet is going to be Michael, Sweetheart is going to be Wendy, and Baby is going to be Tinkerbell.
We were thinking about going as the Peanuts (in which case I would be Shroeder, and Monet Linus, but that was all we figured out), or Homestarrunner people (I woud be Strongbad), but decided Peter Pan was better.
I just have to work on my costume.
Now, if Jeremy Sumpter went as Peter Pan, I'd be really happy. :-P