The last unicorn (or art class, as the case may be)
Muahaha! The last art class was today. And, surprisingly, I filled the last page of my scetchbook just as class ended. I didn't even plan it!
Mr. Dell said that I should get the hardest working student award. That was nice.
I don't have to get up early Wednesdays to clean! W00t! Triple w00t!
Until the Wednesday after next.
Oh, wait. I'll probably be at Ash's, since we have choir three days in a row that week.
TWO WEEKS OFF! I hope Andy (the neighbor) won't want me to clean. I'll be gone.
Two organized a parade for Mr. Dell. It was really nice, and the kids had fun. I gave him a card (almost everybody did) and Monet gave him a carving of a pencil on a stand that he made himself. The carving and the stand, not just the stand.
It kind of ticked me off, though, when today, while I was trying to show Mr. Dell stuff that I'd done a while ago (that he'd asked to see) and people kept talking to him. First Monet interrupted to ask if he could show something, then Two said that she needed his help really badly (she's a little dramatic), then Edison kept interrupting to show his stuff. I was mostly mad at Edison, since he KNEW that I was trying to show Mr. Dell something. Edison had already stolen my chair (which I didn't say anything about because Mom always says how petty that is, but Edison steals it every class, so I have to sit where I can't see anything at all.)
I also cleaned at Andy's house today. I now have $149 dollars of spending money for China. Now I'm going to save up for either
a) getting my hair done, or
b) going to the arts camp.
I think they both cost $90. Somewhere around there.
I think that's all.
-Me (aka: Not you, I don't even know you)